.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _scheduler-task: ============== Scheduler task ============== If the system extension :ref:`scheduler is installed `, you can create automatic reports with the help of a scheduler task. To create a task for the reports functionality go to :guilabel:`System > Scheduler`, click on :guilabel:`+ (add Task)` and chose :guilabel:`System Status Update (reports)` as :guilabel:`Class`. Enter :guilabel:`Notification Email Addresses` where the reports should be sent and chose whether you want to be informed with each run. The remaining settings are standard task settings provided by the scheduler extension. .. figure:: /Images/SchedulerTask.png :class: with-shadow Create a :guilabel:`System Status Update` task in :guilabel:`System > Scheduler` System status notification mail =============================== You will receive mails looking like this: .. code-block:: text :caption: Example mail from the System status notification This report contains all System Status Notifications from your TYPO3 installation. Please check the status report for more information. Site: [DDEV] TYPO3 Issues: [WARN] System environment check - 1 Test(s) ### Trusted hosts pattern is insecure: 1