Developer’s Guide

The Salted user password hashes extension is written in an OOP style and thus makes it very easy to extend or use it in your TYPO3 extension.

Creating a hash

When you want to create a new salted user password hash from a given plain-text password, these are the steps to be done:

  • let the factory deliver an instance of the default hashing class with given context FE or BE
  • create the salted user password hash

Example implementation for TYPO3 frontend:

// Given plain text password
$password = 'XXX';

$hashInstance = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SaltFactory::class)->getDefaultHashInstance('FE');
$hashedPassword = $hashInstance->getHashedPassword($password);

Checking a password

When you want to check a plain-text password against a salted user password hash, these are the steps to be done:

  • let the factory deliver an instance of the according hashing class
  • compare plain-text password with salted user password hash

Example implementation for TYPO3 frontend:

// plain-text password
$password = 'XXX';
// stored password hash
$passwordHash = 'YYY';
$success = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SaltFactory::class)
    ->checkPassword($password, $passwordHash);

Adding a new salting method

If you decide to add an additional salting method, you can easily make such additional method available for this extension.

Steps to be done:

  • create a new salting class that implements interface \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Salt\SaltInterface

    Optional: take advantage of abstract class \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Salt\AbstractComposedSalt (see class \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Salt\Md5Salt for an example implementation)

  • register your salting method class ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/saltedpasswords']['saltMethods']) to make it available for the salt factory (see ClassesSaltSaltFactory.php for an example)