.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt Back in the controller ============================== You get the ready ``Blog`` objects delivered in an array. "Ready" means in this context, that every ``Blog`` object already has all it's ``Post`` objects and their ``Comment`` and ``Tag`` objects. These blogs are delivered to the object, which is responsible for the output for further processing: the so called *View*. If we make no own choice, like in our example, the TemplateView of Fluid is automatically available under the class variable ``$this->view``. With the method ``assign()`` we "bind" the array with our blogs to the variable name "blogs" of the TemplateView. It can be addressed with this name in the template. The method ``render()`` of the TemplateView starts the generation of the HTML code. Before we leave our small, contemplative action island and dig into the deep of the Fluid template, let's take a look at the abbreviations and simplifications Extbase offers at this point. * First of all there is the method `initializeAction()`, which is called before every action if defined in your controller. * Secondly you can define methods for the initialization of single actions. These methods follow a specific naming convention: `initialize` + `actionMethodName` The following example explains this mechanism: :: view->render()` and returns the rendered view automatically. Come with us on another tour: dive into Fluid - the new template engine of TYPO3 - and get to know the magnificent underwater world full of colorful Fluid tags and ViewHelper.