.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _new-major-core-versions: ================================== New major Core version is released ================================== .. note:: This document is not complete and will be updated with the release of TYPO3 v13.0. The section describes the doings when a new major Core version is released (like version 13.0). To do ===== * Update * :ref:`t3start:install` * :ref:`t3start:legacyinstallation` * :ref:`t3start:installation-ddev-tutorial` * :ref:`t3install:upgradecore` to reflect the new version upon installation/upgrade. * Update Composer version constraints on :ref:`t3coreapi:composer-json`. * Add "-dev" links (like `13-dev`) to the links on the homepage: * :ref:`t3home:getting-started` * :ref:`t3home:creatingmanagingcontent` * :ref:`t3home:templating` * :ref:`t3home:configuringTYPO3` * :ref:`t3home:upgrading-typo3` * :ref:`t3home:references` * :ref:`t3home:System-Extensions`