.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: rst .. index:: reST; Comments .. _writing-rest-comments: ======== Comments ======== Parts of the text in reST source can be "commented out": Any text which begins with an explicit markup start but doesn't use the syntax of any of the constructs above, is a comment. See http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html#comments This means: write `..␠`, that is dot-dot-blank at the beginning of the line, taking the indentation level into account. Examples -------- Example:: .. So here we have a comment. It can spread over lines as long as you keep the indentation. Example:: .. This text will not be shown, but, for instance, in HTML might be rendered as an HTML comment, if the html writer is set up for that. Example:: .. here we start an unordered list: * one * two .. this is another comment. Since it's within the list it is aligned with 'two', which is the contents of the second list item * three