.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ header label: You can use this to create cross-references: To link to the next section, use :ref:`rest-cheat-sheet` or :ref:`h2document:rest-cheat-sheet` from another manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. --------------------------------------------------------- header: Use (over and) underline to mark a text as header --------------------------------------------------------- .. index:: reST; Cheat sheet .. _rest-cheat-sheet: ============================= Cheat sheet: reStructuredText ============================= :ref:`Headlines ` ========================================= Every reST (.rst) file should use these underlining styles. In reST, you can use different styles in any order you want. These are our conventions for TYPO3 documentation. .. code-block:: rst :linenos: ======== DocTitle ======== Then use underlining only: .. _header1: Header 1 ======== Header 1.1 ---------- Header 1.1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Header """""""""""""" * line 1-3: This is the doc title. Every .rst file should have one. * line 7: header label. This can be used for cross-referencing to this section: .. code-block:: rst :ref:`header1` * 9-10: Header level 1 * etc. .. seealso:: * :ref:`Headlines-and-sections` * :ref:`explicit-link-targets` .. _cheat-sheet-links: :ref:`Links ` ========================================= .. index:: reST; External links .. _cheat-sheet-external-links: External links -------------- method 1: .. code-block:: rst `anchor text `__ Check out more information on `t3o `__. (with one or two underscores at the end, if in doubt, use two) method 2: "External Hyperlink Targets": .. code-block:: rst Check out more information on t3o_ _t3o: https://typo3.org This may be more convenient if you use a link several times. .. index:: reST; Cross references reST roles; ref .. _cheat-sheet-intersphinx: Cross references ---------------- When linking within docs.typo3.org, you should use this method of cross-referencing. Use it to link to a section in this manual: .. code-block:: rst :ref:`intersphinx` A section with the label **intersphinx** must exist! It is placed before the header: .. code-block:: rst .. _intersphinx: Intersphinx =========== Or, when cross-referencing to other manuals: .. code-block:: rst :ref:`shortcut:label` :ref:`h2document:intersphinx` When you are linking to another manual, make sure the shortcut (here: "h2document") is included in :ref:`settings-cfg`: .. code-block:: none [intersphinx_mapping] h2document = https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/docs-how-to-document/main/en-us/Index.html ... We use the same conventions for naming the shortcuts in :file:`Settings.cfg`, see :ref:`settings-cfg`. Not used manuals are commented out. .. tip:: This is a cool feature, where reST & Sphinx shines: Even when a section is moved to another page (which effectively changes the URL), the link will still work! .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Anchor: :ThisManual: Link to: Same manual :OtherManual: Link to: Other manual - :Anchor: **Explicit** anchor text :ThisManual: ``:ref:`Cross Referencing ``` :OtherManual: ``:ref:`Cross Referencing ``` - :Anchor: **Automatic** anchor text :ThisManual: ``:ref:`intersphinx``` :OtherManual: ``:ref:`t3docwrite:intersphinx``` .. index:: reST; Preventing links .. _cheat-sheet-preventing-links: Preventing links ---------------- Prevent unintentional linking of simple URLs with the :code:`:samp:` directive: .. code-block:: rst The TYPO3 backend can be accessed via :samp:`https://example.org/typo3` .. and emphasize parts of the URL with curly braces: .. code-block:: rst The *route* is the "speaking URL" as a whole without the domain part, for example :samp:`https://example.org/{}`. .. index:: reST; Hypothetical domains .. _cheat-sheet-hypothetical-domains: Hypothetical domains -------------------- If the domain name of an URL does not matter, but serves as a placeholder, choose from this list of dummy domains – in this order: 1. :samp:`https://example.org` 2. :samp:`https://example.com` 3. :samp:`https://example.net` and use for explicit mention of the local development context: 4. :samp:`https://example.localhost`. For further dummy domains use subdomains of the domains listed above such as - :samp:`https://staging.example.org` - :samp:`https://production.example.org`. .. seealso:: * :ref:`link-targets-explanation` (labels) * :ref:`intersphinx` * :ref:`settings-cfg` .. index:: reST; Lists reST; Bullet lists :ref:`Lists ` ========================= **How it looks:** To create a bullet list: * add a blank line before and after the list * indent the list item text by 4 spaces - including the item sign * to create a nested list: * indent the items by 4 spaces (left-align with parent item text) * apply rules of parent list (blank lines, item text indentation, ..) More text. Source: .. code-block:: rst To create a bullet list: * add a blank line before and after the list * indent the list item text by 4 spaces - including the item sign * to create a nested list: * indent the items by 4 spaces (left-align with parent item text) * apply rules of parent list (blank lines, item text indentation, ..) More text. .. index:: reST; Numbered lists :ref:`numbered-lists` ===================== **How it looks:** To create a numbered list: #. add a blank line before and after the list #. indent the list item text by 4 spaces - including the item sign #. to create a nested list: #. indent the items by 4 spaces (left-align with parent item text) #. apply rules of parent list (blank lines, item text indentation, ..) More text. Source: .. code-block:: rst To create a numbered list: #. add a blank line before and after the list #. indent the list item text by 4 spaces - including the item sign #. to create a nested list: #. indent the items by 4 spaces (left-align with parent item text) #. apply rules of parent list (blank lines, item text indentation, ..) More text. .. index:: reST; Code blocks :ref:`Code Blocks ` ===================================================================== .. important:: Use syntactically correct code in your code blocks. .. index:: reST directives; code-block Code block directive -------------------- **How it looks:** .. code-block:: php $a = 'hello'; $b = 'something'; Source: .. code-block:: rst :linenos: .. code-block:: php $a = 'hello'; $b = 'something'; This uses the **directive** "code-block" (line 1) .. important:: Make sure to indent correctly. The lines of the code-block (line 3+) must be indented (4 spaces). Placeholders ------------ Use the `Backus-Naur form `__ like `` for placeholders in code and URLs. Examples: #. :php:`class Controller extends ActionController` #. `typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 impexp:import ` #. :samp:`https://example.org/typo3/main?token=` For XML and HTML, use the comment tag :html:``. .. index:: reST roles :ref:`Inline code, text roles ` =========================================== For inline code or for other semantic markup of special texts, use text roles. **How it looks:** #. :php:`$result = $a + 23;` (PHP snippet) #. :typoscript:`lib.hello.value = Hello World!` (TypoScript snippets) #. :file:`/etc/passwd` (file) #. :bash:`bin/typo3 cleanup:flexforms` (shell) #. :sql:`tt_content.pi_flexform` (SQL) #. :xml:`` (XML) #. :kbd:`ctrl` + :kbd:`s` (keyboard strokes) Source: .. code-block:: rst :linenos: :php:`$result = $a + 23;` :typoscript:`lib.hello.value = Hello World!` :file:`/etc/passwd` :bash:`bin/typo3 cleanup:flexforms` (shell) :sql:`tt_content.pi_flexform` (SQL) :xml:`` (XML) :kbd:`ctrl` + :kbd:`s` .. index:: reST; Bold reST; Italic :ref:`Bold & italic ` ======================================= **How it looks:** Normal text, **bold text** and *italic text*. Source: .. code-block:: rst Normal text, **bold text** and *italic text*. .. index:: reST; Images reST directives; image :ref:`Images ` =========================== **How it looks:** .. image:: /Images/a4.jpg :class: with-shadow Source: .. code-block:: rst .. image:: /Images/a4.jpg :class: with-shadow Another example: .. code-block:: rst .. image:: /Images/a4.jpg :class: with-shadow :target: https://typo3.org :alt: alt text :width: 100px .. seealso:: * :ref:`images` .. index:: reST; YouTube videos reST directives; youtube :ref:`YouTube videos ` =============================== **How it looks:** .. youtube:: wNxO-aXY5Yw Source: .. code-block:: rst .. youtube:: wNxO-aXY5Yw .. index:: reST; Styled numbered lists reST classes; bignums :ref:`Styled numbered lists ` ======================================= This is often used, for a Quick Start section, involving a few numbered steps: With Big Numbers ---------------- This is an example with a code block (:rst:`::`) embedded in the sections. **How it looks:** .. rst-class:: bignums 1. Embed an image Source:: /Images/a4.jpg :class: with-shadow 2. Two Do something else ... Source: .. code-block:: rst .. rst-class:: bignums 1. Embed an image Source: .. code-block:: rst .. image: some_image.png :class: with-shadow 2. Two Do something else ... With Big Numbers XXL -------------------- **How it looks:** .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl 1. Embed an image Source: .. code-block:: rst /Images/a4.jpg :class: with-shadow 2. Two Do something else ... Source: .. code-block:: rst .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl 1. Embed an image Source: .. code-block:: rst .. image: some_image.png :class: with-shadow 2. Two Do something else ... :ref:`Configuration values ` (confval) ==================================================== **How it looks:** .. confval:: title :Required: true :type: string or LLL reference :Scope: Display :Path: $GLOBALS > TCA > [table] > columns > [field] The name of the field as shown in the form. Source: .. code-block:: rst .. confval:: title :Required: true :type: string or LLL reference :Scope: Display :Path: $GLOBALS > TCA > [table] > columns > [field] The name of the field as shown in the form. :ref:`PHP domain ` ================================== **How it looks:** .. php:namespace:: Vendor\MyExtension .. php:class:: DateTime Datetime class .. php:method:: setDate($year, $month, $day) Set the date. :param int $year: The year. :param int $month: The month. :param int $day: The day. :returns: Either false on failure, or the datetime object for method chaining. Source: .. code-block:: rst .. php:namespace:: Vendor\MyExtension .. php:class:: DateTime Datetime class .. php:method:: setDate($year, $month, $day) Set the date. :param int $year: The year. :param int $month: The month. :param int $day: The day. :returns: Either false on failure, or the datetime object for method chaining. .. index:: reST; Admonitions :ref:`Tips, hints, important ` (Admonitions) ============================================================== .. --------------------------------------------------------------- tip: This directive will display the following indented text as text with a green box (as styled by our sphinx template). --------------------------------------------------------------- Visit :ref:`h2document:rest-admonitions` to see the available admonitions. **How it looks:** .. tip:: To look at the reST source of this rendered page, scroll to the top and click on :guilabel:`View source`. Source: .. code-block:: rst .. tip:: To look at the reST source of this rendered page, scroll to the bottom and click on "View page source". :ref:`Cards ` ========================= **How it looks:** .. container:: row m-0 p-0 .. container:: col-md-6 pl-0 pr-3 py-3 m-0 .. container:: card px-0 h-100 .. rst-class:: card-header h3 .. rubric:: :ref:`Pages ` .. container:: card-body The Page Management Guide introduces TYPO3's Page Tree and explains how pages are created and managed. .. container:: card-footer pb-0 .. rst-class:: horizbuttons-striking-m - `11 `__ Source: .. code-block:: rst .. container:: row m-0 p-0 .. container:: col-md-6 pl-0 pr-3 py-3 m-0 .. container:: card px-0 h-100 .. rst-class:: card-header h3 .. rubric:: :ref:`Pages ` .. container:: card-body The Page Management Guide introduces TYPO3's Page Tree and explains how pages are created and managed. .. container:: card-footer pb-0 .. rst-class:: horizbuttons-striking-m - `11 `__ :ref:`Tabs ` ======================= **How it looks:** .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: bash .. code-block:: bash touch example-project-directory/public/FIRST_INSTALL .. group-tab:: powershell .. code-block:: powershell echo $null >> public/FIRST_INSTALL Source: .. code-block:: rst .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: bash .. code-block:: bash touch example-project-directory/public/FIRST_INSTALL .. group-tab:: powershell .. code-block:: powershell echo $null >> public/FIRST_INSTALL :ref:`Diagrams ` =================================== **How it looks:** .. uml:: :caption: Some Caption class -> otherClass : message Source: .. code-block:: rst :caption: Documentation/SomeFile.rst .. uml:: :caption: Some Caption class -> otherClass : message :ref:`Sidebar ` ============================= Source / **How it looks**: .. sidebar:: reST content elements * :ref:`Cards ` * :ref:`Tabs ` * :ref:`Configuration values ` .. code-block:: rst .. sidebar:: reST content elements * :ref:`Cards ` * :ref:`Tabs ` * :ref:`Configuration values `