.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: ! Diagrams Diagrams; PlantUML .. _PlantUML-diagrams: ================= PlantUML diagrams ================= In order to render diagrams in the TYPO3 documentation, `PlantUML `_ is integrated into the rendering process. Embedded UML diagrams ===================== Simple diagrams can be embedded directly into the reStructuredText markup: .. code-block:: rst :caption: Documentation/SomeFile.rst .. uml:: :caption: Some Caption class -> otherClass : message This will be rendered as: .. uml:: :caption: Some Caption class -> otherClass : message Include a PlantUML file ======================= .. code-block:: rst :caption: Documentation/SomeFile.rst .. uml:: _complex_uml.plantuml :align: center :caption: Figure 1-1: Application flow :width: 1000 This will be rendered as: .. uml:: _complex_uml.plantuml :align: center :caption: Figure 1-1: Application flow :width: 1000 Put a file called :file:`_complex_uml.plantuml` in the same directory as the reST file: .. literalinclude:: _complex_uml.plantuml :caption: Documentation/_complex_uml.plantuml :language: text