.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _resolve-merge-conflicts: ======================= Resolve Merge conflicts ======================= .. include:: ../_includes/NewPageInfo.rst.txt .. index:: single: Git; What are Merge conflicts .. _what-are-merge-conflicts: What are merge conflicts? ========================= Usually, git does a good job of merging several changes in one file. However, there are occasions where git does not know what to do, because one change *conflicts* with another, meaning there are more than one possible way to merge. This is actually a good thing. In case of a merge conflict you will usually have these possibilities: #. Use change 1 #. Use change 2 #. Use a combination which you manually combine. Example ------- Original file: .. code-block:: none 111 222 Change 1 .. code-block:: none 111 aaa 222 Change 2 .. code-block:: none 111 bbb 222 Git cannot resolve this automatically, because it is ambiguous. What should the result be? Result 1 .. code-block:: none 111 aaa bbb 222 Result 2 .. code-block:: none 111 bbb aaa 222 The merge conflict markers (in the file) will show: .. code-block:: none 111 <<<<<<< HEAD bbb ======= aaa >>>>>>> aaa 222 .. _how-to-see-merge-conflicts: How to see merge conflicts in Gerrit or Forger ============================================== If your patch has merge conflicts. Gerrit as well as Forger will show you: **Gerrit:** Load your patch page in the browser. .. image:: /Images/External/Gerrit/HandlingAPatch/gerrit_merge_conflict.png :class: with-shadow **Forger:** Open one of the `ReviewSprint `__ views on Forger. .. image:: /Images/External/Forger/forger_merge_conflicts.png :class: with-shadow In that case, you will need to resolve the conflicts in some way. See next section :ref:`how-to-resolve-merge-conflicts` for more information about resolving merge conflicts. .. index:: single: Git; How to resolve Merge conflicts .. _how-to-resolve-merge-conflicts: How to resolve conflicts? ========================= Some git commands will show you that there are conflicts e.g. `git cherry-pick`, `git rebase`, `git pull --rebase` etc. It will have inserted markers in the files and ask you to resolve them and then continue. You must resolve the conflict for all these files. There are several ways to do this. Most editors or IDEs assist you in doing this. Check the information for your IDE. Resolving the conflict, involves a 3-step process: #. Identify files with conflicts: the git commands usually show which files have conflicts, also your Editor or IDE should show you (PhpStorm does). #. Resolve the conflicts #. Resume: Depending on the command that was executed (e.g. rebase, merge, cherry-pick), you will usually need to add the files and call something like `rebase --continue` or `cherry-pick --continue` Identify files with conflicts ----------------------------- The command (e.g. git rebase) usually tells you which files have conflicts, e.g. git rebase gives us the following output: .. code-block:: none CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in typo3/sysext/install/Classes/Updates/ExtensionManagerTables.php Identify files with conflicts (cherry-pick) ------------------------------------------- Unfortunately `git cherry-pick` is a little stubborn and does not show you which files are concerned: .. code-block:: none :linenos: $ git cherry-pick d48c3626d828de880342 $ > error: could not apply d48c362... bbb $ > hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths $ > hint: with 'git add ' or 'git rm ' $ > hint: and commit the result with 'git commit' However, git status will show you: .. code-block:: none :linenos: $ git status $ > On branch main $ > You are currently cherry-picking commit 805a207. $ > (fix conflicts and run "git cherry-pick --continue") $ > (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation) $ > $ > Unmerged paths: $ > (use "git add ..." to mark resolution) $ > $ > both modified: file_with_conflicts.txt $ > $ > no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") All files shown with "both modified" will need to be attended to. Resolve the conflicts manually ------------------------------ If you want to do it manually (instead of using an IDE to do it visually), look for all occurrences of `<<<<<<<`. These are markers. They are used as follows (as in example above): The merge conflict will show: .. code-block:: none 111 <<<<<<< HEAD bbb ======= aaa >>>>>>> aaa 222 #. Beginning of conflict: `<<<<<<<`, after that name of branch for version 1 (here: HEAD) #. Separation: `=======` Marks end of version1 and beginning of version2 #. End of conflict: `>>>>>>` and then name of branch version 2. There may be more than one conflict in a file! Special case: JavaScript/CSS merge conflicts -------------------------------------------- JavaScript and CSS assets are build from sources in the monorepo, with the commands: .. code-block:: bash # optionally, reset state Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s clean Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s buildCss Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s buildJavascript This "compiles" files with ".scss" and ".ts" extensions to their bundled ".css" and ".js" variants. TYPO3 also versions these files inside the monorepo. Commiters need to be aware they need to maintain these asset versions, if they change any of the build source files, and commit them alongside their patch. Since the compiled files are merged on one single line, a merge conflict in these files will occur, if your patch works on anything CSS/JS related and other changes have been introduced meanwhile. The solution to resolve merge conflicts in these files is actually vers easy. Just re-perform the commands from above (`...buildCss/buildJavascript`), which will re-create the assets from your cherry-picked patchset. You may need to resolve conflicts in the `.ts/.scss` files beforehand, if there are any due to rebasing. Afterwards, you can include the generated `.css/.js` file your git amend commit like any other resolved conflict (see below). Resume command -------------- When you are done, add the file and then continue: .. code-block:: bash git add git add In most cases, git will have told you what to do when it showed the conflict. Resume git rebase ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash git rebase --continue Resume git cherry-pick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash git cherry-pick --continue Commit changes after rebase/cherry-pick --------------------------------------- Once your git repository is in sync with `HEAD` and your cherry-picking was successsful, you can edit/add files, commit and push as usual: .. code-block:: bash git commit --amend git push