.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: single: Tools; Gerrit single: Account; Gerrit .. _GerritAccount: .. _gerrit-ssh: ======================= Setting up Gerrit (ssh) ======================= .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl 1. Click the :guilabel:`Sign In` button in the top right corner of the page `review.typo3.org `__. .. image:: /Images/External/Gerrit/Account/gerrit_signin2.png :class: with-shadow You will be prompted with a regular :guilabel:`Basic Authentication` window, simply enter your TYPO3.org username and password you had :ref:`set up earlier `. 2. Create your ssh key If you don't know how to create your SSH Public/Private Key, we have compiled a list of links for you: * :ref:`OS X ` * :ref:`Microsoft Windows ` * :ref:`Linux/Unix ` 3. Add your public SSH key to Gerrit .. image:: /Images/External/Gerrit/Account/gerrit-add-ssh-key2.png :class: with-shadow * Click on your profile in the top right corner and click :guilabel:`Settings`. * On the left hand side, click :guilabel:`SSH Keys`. * Copy-paste the contents of your public ssh key file (e.g. :file:`~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`) into the text field next to :guilabel:`New SSH key` and then click on :guilabel:`Add new SSH key`. If you work with different computers, for example with a notebook at work and another computer at home you can either copy your private key or create a separate key for the other computer. Luckily Gerrit can handle multiple keys. .. important:: Always keep your keys private. Never give them away. No member of the TYPO3 project will ever ask you for your keys.