.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _core-support-permissions: Permissions ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can restrict backend users and groups to edit records only in specific languages. The permissions are enforced over all tables by checking the language defined in the :ref:`"languageField" of the table `. The "Limit to languages" setting is found in the "Access Lists" tab: .. figure:: ../../Images/CoreSupportLimitToLanguages.png :alt: Setting language limitations Restricting backend users or groups to one or more languages Settings from groups and sub-groups are all added together. If a user has no "Limit to languages" checkboxes set at all he can edit *all languages* . Regardless of "Limit to languages" all users can edit records with "[All]" language. Setting "Limit to languages" is not only good to protect translators from editing other languages or default content - it is also helpful to limit the confusion a user might have when faced with modules displaying translations for a host of other languages!