.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _preparation: .. _beforeUpgrading: ================ Before upgrading ================ * You should use the latest version of a previous major version before you upgrade! For example, upgrade to latest 9.5.x before you upgrade to version 10. Before starting the upgrade check your system for compatibility with a newer TYPO3 version. * Before you upgrade to the next major version, make sure you have run all Upgrade Wizards of the the current TYPO3 major version. * Check for deprecations: Enable the deprecation log and let it log all deprecations for a while. * Alternatively (or additionally) run the :ref:`extension scanner ` and :ref:`handle deprecations ` (below). * Check installed extensions for versions compatible to the target TYPO3 version * Try the upgrade on a development system first or create a parallel instance Check that all system requirements for upgrading are met: * See :ref:`system-requirements` .. _handling-deprecations: Handling Deprecations ===================== If you notice some API you are using is deprecated, you should look up the corresponding :doc:`ChangeLog ` entry and see how to migrate your code corresponding to the documentation. Since TYPO3 v9 an :ref:`extension scanner ` is included, that provides basic scanning of your extensions for deprecated code. While it does not catch everything, it can be used as a base for an upgrade. You can either access the extension scanner via the TYPO3 admin tools (in the Backend: :guilabel:`Module "Upgrade" > "Scan Extension Files"`) or as a standalone tool (https://github.com/tuurlijk/typo3scan). The extension scanner will show the corresponding changelog which contains a description of how to migrate your code. See :ref:`check-the-changelog-and-news-md` for more information about the Changelogs and how to read them. .. note:: TYPO3 aims at providing a reliable backwards compatibility between versions: * Minor versions are always backwards compatible - unless explicitly stated otherwise (for example in case of security updates) * Major versions may contain breaking changes - normally these are deprecated one major version in advance * Most breaking changes usually happen in the first Sprint Release If PHP classes, methods, constants, functions or parameters are to be removed, they will be *marked as deprecated* first and not removed until the next major release of TYPO3. For example: a method that gets deprecated in version 9.4.0 will remain fully functional in all 9.x.x releases, but will be removed in version 10. This strategy gives developers sufficient time to adjust their TYPO3 extensions, assuming many agencies upgrade from one LTS release to the next (usually 1.5 years). .. _check-the-changelog-and-news-md: Check the ChangeLog =================== In addition to the deprecations you may want to read the information about important changes, new features and breaking changes for the release you are updating to. The ChangeLog is divided into four sections "Breaking Changes", "Features", "Deprecation" and "Important". Before upgrading you should at least take a look at the sections "Breaking Changes" and "Important" - changes described in those areas might affect your website. .. tip:: Breaking changes should be of no concern to you if you already handled the deprecations before upgrading. The detailed information contains a section called "Affected Installations" which contains hints whether or not your website is affected by the change. There are 3 different methods you can use to read the Changelogs: #. Look through the :doc:`ChangeLogs ` online. This has the advantage that code blocks will be formatted nicely with syntax highlighting. #. Read the Changelogs in the backend: :guilabel:`Upgrade > View Upgrade Documentation`. This has the advantage that you can filter by tags and mark individual Changelogs as done. This way, it is possible to use the list like a todo list. #. Read the changelog in the :ref:`Extension Scanner ` (as explained above). .. figure:: ../../Images/Upgrade-Analysis.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Uprade Analysis The "Upgrade Analysis" in the Install Tool