.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _which-package-and-which-file-format: Which Package and which File Format? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _which-package-to-use: Which Package to use """""""""""""""""""" There is only one TYPO3 Package, called “TYPO3 Source”, with which you can install an empty instance of TYPO3. Once the main installation process is complete, you will be asked whether you want to load additional “Distributions” to “kick start” an out-of-the-box working environment. An overview of all available packages and versions (which also contains older supported releases) can be found at https://typo3.org/download/. .. _which-file-format-to-use: Which File Format to use """""""""""""""""""""""" The TYPO3 Source package is available as a :file:`.zip` or :file:`.tar.gz` distribution. Their content is the same and you should download the one that you will be able to extract directly on your web server.