.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Events; AfterPageColumnsSelectedForLocalizationEvent Events; LocalizationController .. _AfterPageColumnsSelectedForLocalizationEvent: ============================================ AfterPageColumnsSelectedForLocalizationEvent ============================================ Event to listen to after the form engine has been initialized (and all data has been persisted). The PSR-14 event :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\Event\AfterPageColumnsSelectedForLocalizationEvent` will be dispatched after records and columns are collected in the :php:`LocalizationController`. The event receives: * The default columns and columns list built by :php:`LocalizationController` * The list of records that were analyzed to create the columns manifest * The parameters received by the :php:`LocalizationController` The event allows changes to: * the columns * the columns list This allows third party code to read or manipulate the "columns manifest" that gets displayed in the translation modal when a user has clicked the ``Translate`` button in the page module, by implementing a listener for the event. API --- .. include:: /CodeSnippets/Events/Backend/AfterPageColumnsSelectedForLocalizationEvent.rst.txt