.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: JavaScript; RequestAnimationFrame event .. _Events_JavaScript_rAF: =========================== RequestAnimationFrame event =========================== A "request animation frame event" is similar to using :js:`ThrottleEvent` with a limit of `16`, as this event type incorporates the browser's RequestAnimationFrame API (rAF) which aims to run at 60 fps (:math:`16 = \frac{1}{60}`) but decides internally the best timing to schedule the rendering. The best suited use-case for this event type is on "paint jobs", e.g. calculating the size of an element or move elements around. .. important:: Due to the behavior of rAF, any event listener is not executed if the browser's tab is not active. To construct the event listener, the module :js:`TYPO3/CMS/Core/Event/RequestAnimationFrameEvent` must be imported. The constructor accepts the following arguments: * :js:`eventName` (string) - the event to listen on * :js:`callback` (function) - the executed event listener when the event is triggered .. code-block:: js const el = document.querySelector('.item'); new RequestAnimationFrameEvent('scroll', function () { el.target.style.width = window.scrollY + 100 + 'px'; }).bindTo(window);