.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Site handling; Base variants .. _sitehandling-baseVariants: ============= Base variants ============= In site handling, "base variants" represent different bases for a website depending on a specified condition. For example, a "live" base URL might be :samp:`https://example.org/`, but on a local machine it is :samp:`https://example.localhost/` as a domain - that is when variants are used. Base variants exist for languages, too. Currently, these can only be defined through the respective :file:`*.yaml` file, there is no backend user interface available yet. Variants consist of two parts: * a base to use for this variant * a condition that decides when this variant shall be active Conditions are based on `Symfony expression language`_ and allow flexible conditions, for example: .. code-block:: none applicationContext == "Development" would define a base variant to use in "Development" context. .. note:: Environment variables can be used in the :yaml:`base` via ``%env(...)%``. :yaml:`condition` needs ``getenv(...)`` instead. .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/SiteHandling/SiteHandlingBaseVariants-1.rst.txt .. hint:: For those coming from earlier TYPO3 versions: With site handling, there is no need for :sql:`sys_domain` records anymore! .. seealso:: * Read :ref:`application-context` for more information on how to set the application context. * Read :ref:`yaml-api` for more information on YAML parsing. .. _Symfony expression language: https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/expression_language.html The following variables and functions are available in addition to the default Symfony functionality: Example ======= .. literalinclude:: _base-variants.yaml :language: yaml :caption: config/sites//config.yaml | typo3conf/sites//config.yaml .. index:: Site handling; Base variant properties Properties ========== .. confval:: typo3.version :type: string :Example: `11.5.24` The current TYPO3 version. .. confval:: typo3.branch :type: string :Example: `11.5` The current TYPO3 branch. .. confval:: typo3.devIpMask :type: string :Example: `203.0.113.*` The configured devIpMask taken from :ref:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['devIPmask'] `. .. confval:: applicationContext :type: string :Example: `Development` The current :ref:`application context `. .. index:: Site handling; Base variant functions DefaultFunctionsProvider Functions ========= All functions from :t3src:`core/Classes/ExpressionLanguage/FunctionsProvider/DefaultFunctionsProvider.php` are available: .. confval:: ip :type: string :Example: `ip("203.0.113.*")` Match an IP address, value or regex, wildcards possible. Special value: `devIp` for matching `devIpMask`. .. confval:: compatVersion :type: string :Example: `compatVersion("11.5.24")`, `compatVersion("11.5")` Match a TYPO3 version. .. confval:: like :type: string :Example: `like("foobarbaz", "*bar*")` A comparison function to compare two strings. The first parameter is the "haystack", the second the "needle". Wildcards are allowed. .. confval:: getenv :type: string :Example: `getenv("TYPO3_BASE_URL")` A wrapper for PHPs `getenv()`_ function. It allows accessing environment variables. .. _getenv(): https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getenv.php .. confval:: date :type: string :Example: checking the current month: `date("j") == 7` Get the current date in given format. .. confval:: feature :type: string :Example: `feature("redirects.hitCount")` Check whether a feature (":ref:`feature toggle `") is enabled in TYPO3. .. confval:: traverse :type: array|string :Example: `traverse(request.getQueryParams(), 'tx_news_pi1/news') > 0` This function has two parameters: * first parameter is the array to traverse * second parameter is the path to traverse