.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Security guidelines; Install tool File; typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL .. _security-install-tool: ============ Install tool ============ The Install Tool allows you to configure the TYPO3 system on a very low level, which means, not only the basic settings but also the most essential settings can be changed. You do not necessarily need a TYPO3 backend account to access the Install Tool, so it is clear that the Install Tool requires some special attention (and protection). TYPO3 already comes with a two step mechanism out-of-the-box to protect the Install Tool against unauthorized access: the first measure is a file called :file:`ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL` which must exist if the Install Tool should be accessible. The second mechanism is a password protection, which is independent of all backend user passwords. The Install Tool can be found as a stand alone application via :samp:`https://example.org/typo3/install.php`. It also integrates with the backend, but is only available for logged in users with administrator privileges. The :file:`ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL` file can be created by putting an empty file into the :ref:`config directory`. You usually need write access to this directory on a server level (for example via SSH, SFTP, etc.) or you can create this file as a backend user with administrator privileges. .. tip:: Add the :file:`ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL` file to your project's :php:`.gitignore` file to avoid accidentally committing and deploying it to production environments. .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/AdminTools/EnableInstallTool.rst.txt Conversely, this also means, you should delete this file as soon as you do not need to access the Install Tool any more. It should also be mentioned that TYPO3 deletes the :file:`ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL` file automatically if you logout of the Install Tool or if the file is older than 60 minutes (expiry time). Both features can be deactivated if the content of this file is `KEEP_FILE`, which is understandably not recommended. The password for accessing the Install Tool is stored using the :ref:`configured password hash mechanism ` set for the backend in the global configuration file :file:`typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php`: .. code-block:: php :caption: typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php [ 'installToolPassword' => '$P$CnawBtpk.D22VwoB2RsN0jCocLuQFp.', // ... ], ]; The Install Tool password is set during the installation process. This means, in the case that a system administrator hands over the TYPO3 instance to you, it should also provide you with the appropriate password. The first thing you should do, after taking over a new TYPO3 system from a system administrator, is to change the password to a new and secure one. Log-in to the Install Tool and change it there. .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/AdminTools/ChangeInstallToolPassword.rst.txt The role of system maintainer allows for selected backend users to access the :guilabel:`Admin Tools` components from within the backend without further security measures. The number of system maintainers should be as small as possible to mitigate the risks of corrupted accounts. The role can be provided in the Settings Section of the Install Tool -> Manage System Maintainers. It is also possible to manually modify the list by adding or removing the be_users.uid of the user in :file:`LocalConfiguration.php`: .. code-block:: php :caption: typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php [ 'systemMaintainers' => [1, 7, 36], // ... ], ]; For additional security, the folders :file:`typo3/install` and :file:`typo3/sysext/install` can be deleted, or password protected on a server level (e.g. by a web server's user authentication mechanism). Please keep in mind that these measures have an impact on the usability of the system. If you are not the only person who uses the Install Tool, you should definitely discuss your intention with the team. TYPO3 Core updates ================== In legacy installations the Install Tool allows integrators to update the TYPO3 Core with a click on a button. This feature can be found under "Important actions" and it checks/installs revision updates only (e.g. bug fixes and security updates). .. figure:: /Images/ManualScreenshots/Security/CoreUpdates.png :class: with-border with-shadow :alt: Install Tool function to update the TYPO3 Core It should be noted that this feature can be disabled by an environment variable: .. code-block:: none TYPO3_DISABLE_CORE_UPDATER=1 .. index:: Security guidelines; Encryption key .. _security-encryption-key: Encryption key ============== The `encryptionKey` can be found in the Install Tool (module *Settings > Configure Installation-Wide Options*). This string, usually a hexadecimal hash value of 96 characters, is used as the "salt" for various kinds of encryption, check sums and validations (e.g. for the `cHash`). Therefore, a change of this value invalidates temporary information, cache content, etc. and you should clear all caches after you changed this value in order to force the rebuild of this data with the new encryption key. .. attention:: Keep in mind that this string is security-related and you should keep it in a safe place. The encryption key should be a random hexadecimal key of length 96. You can for example create it with OpenSSL: .. code-block:: bash openssl rand -hex 48 From within TYPO3 it is possible to generate it via API: .. code-block:: php use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Crypto\Random; $this->random->generateRandomHexString(96);