.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: pair: Error handling; fluid .. _sitehandling-errorHandling_fluid: ========================= Fluid-based error handler ========================= The Fluid-based error handler is defined in :t3src:`core/Classes/Error/PageErrorHandler/FluidPageErrorHandler.php`. Properties ========== The Fluid-based error handler has the properties :ref:`sitehandling-errorHandling_errorCode` and :ref:`sitehandling-errorHandling_errorHandler`, and the following: .. option:: errorFluidTemplate :type: string :Example: `EXT:my_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Sites/Error.html` The path to the Fluid template file. Path may be * absolute * relative to site root * starting with `EXT:` for files from an extension .. option:: errorFluidTemplatesRootPath :type: string [optional] :Example: `EXT:my_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Sites/` The paths to the Fluid templates in case more flexibility is needed. .. option:: errorFluidPartialsRootPath :type: string [optional] :Example: `EXT:my_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Partials/Sites/` The paths to the Fluid partials in case more flexibility is needed. .. option:: errorFluidLayoutsRootPath :type: string [optional] :Example: `EXT:my_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Layouts/Sites/` The paths to Fluid layouts in case more flexibility is needed. Example ======= Show the content of a Fluid template in case of an error with HTTP status 404: .. literalinclude:: _fluid-error-handler.yaml :language: yaml :caption: config/sites//config.yaml | typo3conf/sites//config.yaml