.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Extension development; File name conventions Path; EXT:{extkey}/Configuration .. _extension-files-configuration: .. _extension-configuration-files: ====================== :file:`Configuration` ====================== The folder :file:`EXT:my_extension/Configuration/` may contain configuration of different types. Some of the sub directories in here have reserved names with special meanings. All files in this directory and in the sub directories :file:`TCA` and : file:`Backend` are automatically included during the TYPO3 bootstrap. The following files and folders are commonly found in the :file:`Configuration` folder: .. code-block:: none :caption: Common content of the configuration folder $ tree packages/my_extension/Configuration/ ├── Backend │ ├── AjaxRoutes.php │ └── Routes.php ├── Extbase │ └── Persistence │ └── Classes.php ├── FlexForms │ ├── MyFlexForm1.xml │ ├── ... │ └── MyFlexFormN.xml ├── RTE │ └── MyRteConfig.yaml ├── TCA │ ├── Overrides │ │ ├── pages.php │ │ ├── sys_template.php │ │ ├── tt_content.php │ │ ├── ... │ │ └── tx_otherextension_sometable.php │ ├── tx_myextension_domain_model_something.php │ ├── ... │ └── tx_myextension_sometable.php ├── TsConfig │ ├── Page │ └── User ├── TypoScript │ ├── Subfolder1 │ ├── ... │ ├── constants.typoscript │ └── setup.typoscript ├── Yaml │ ├── MySpecialConfig.yaml │ └── MyFormSetup.yaml ├── Icons.php ├── page.tsconfig ├── RequestMiddlewares.php └── Services.yaml .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Sub folders of Configuration :glob: */Index .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Files directly under Configuration :glob: *