.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _cgl-file-structure: File structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TYPO3 files use the following structure: #. Opening PHP tag (including strict_types declaration) #. Namespace #. Copyright notice #. Included files #. Class information block in phpDoc format #. PHP class #. Optional module execution code The following sections discuss each of these parts. Namespace """"""""" The namespace declaration of each PHP file in the TYPO3 Core shows where the file belongs inside TYPO3 CMS. The namespace starts with :code:`"TYPO3\CMS\"`, then the extension name in UpperCamelCase, a backslash and then the name of the subfolder of :code:`Classes/`, in which the file is located (if any). E.g. the file :code:`typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php` with the class :code:`ContentObjectRenderer` is in the namespace ":code:`TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject`". :code:`use` statements can be added to this section. Copyright notice """""""""""""""" TYPO3 is released under the terms of GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. The copyright notice with a reference to the license text must be included at the top of every TYPO3 PHP class file. user files must have this copyright notice as well. Example:: main(); This code must appear **after** the PHP class.