.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _database-expression-builder: ExpressionBuilder ----------------- The `ExpressionBuilder` class is responsible to dynamically create SQL query parts for `WHERE` and `JOIN ON` conditions, functions like :php:`->min()` may also be used in `SELECT` parts. It takes care of building query conditions while ensuring table and column names are quoted within the created expressions / SQL fragments. It is a facade to the actual `doctrine-dbal` `ExpressionBuilder`. The `ExpressionBuilder` is used within the context of the :ref:`QueryBuilder ` to ensure queries are being build based on the requirements of the database platform in use. An instance of the `ExpressionBuilder` is retrieved from the `QueryBuilder` object:: $expressionBuilder = $queryBuilder->expr(); It is good practice to not assign an instance of the `ExpressionBuilder` to a variable but to use it within the code flow of the `QueryBuilder` context directly:: $rows = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('tt_content') ->select('uid', 'header', 'bodytext') ->from('tt_content') ->where( // `bodytext` = 'klaus' AND `header` = 'peter' $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('bodytext', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('klaus')), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('header', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('peter')) ) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); .. warning:: It is crucially important to quote values correctly to not introduce SQL injection attack vectors to your application. See the :ref:`section of the QueryBuilder ` for details. Junctions ^^^^^^^^^ * :php:`->andX()` conjunction * :php:`->orX()` disjunction Combine multiple single expressions with `AND` or `OR`. Nesting is possible, both methods are variadic and take any number of argument which are all combined. It usually doesn't make much sense to hand over zero or only one argument, though. Example to find tt_content records:: // WHERE // (`tt_content`.`CType` = 'list') // AND ( // (`tt_content`.`list_type` = 'example_pi1') // OR // (`tt_content`.`list_type` = 'example_pi2') // ) $queryBuilder->where( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('CType', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('list')), $queryBuilder->expr()->orX( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('list_type', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('example_pi1')), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('list_type', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('example_pi2')) ) ) Comparisons ^^^^^^^^^^^ A set of methods to create various comparison expressions or SQL functions: * :php:`->eq($fieldName, $value)` "equal" comparison `=` * :php:`->neq($fieldName, $value)` "not equal" comparison `!=` * :php:`->lt($fieldName, $value)` "less than" comparison `<` * :php:`->lte($fieldName, $value)` "less than or equal" comparison `<=` * :php:`->gt($fieldName, $value)` "greater than" comparison `>` * :php:`->gte($fieldName, $value)` "greater than or equal" comparison `>=` * :php:`->isNull($fieldName)` "IS NULL" comparison * :php:`->isNotNull($fieldName)` "IS NOT NULL" comparison * :php:`->like($fieldName)` "LIKE" comparison * :php:`->notLike($fieldName)` "NOT LIKE" comparison * :php:`->in($fieldName, $valueArray)` "IN ()" comparison * :php:`->notIn($fieldName, $valueArray)` "NOT IN ()" comparison * :php:`->inSet($fieldName, $value)` "FIND_IN_SET('42', `aField`)" Find a value in a comma separated list of values * :php:`->bitAnd($fieldName, $value)` A bitwise AND operation `&` Remarks and warnings: * The first argument :php:`$fieldName` is always quoted automatically. * All methods that have a :php:`$value` or :php:`$valueList` as second argument **must** be quoted, usually by calling :ref:`$queryBuilder->createNamedParameter() ` or :ref:`$queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier() `. **Failing to do so will end up in SQL injections!** * :php:`->like()` and :php:`->notLike()` values **must** be **additionally** quoted with a call to :ref:`$queryBuilder->escapeLikeWildcards($value) ` to suppress the special meaning of `%` characters from `$value`. Examples:: // `bodytext` = 'foo' - string comparison ->eq('bodytext', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('foo')) // `tt_content`.`bodytext` = 'foo' ->eq('tt_content.bodytext', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('foo')) // `aTableAlias`.`bodytext` = 'foo' ->eq('aTableAlias.bodytext', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('foo')) // `uid` = 42 - integer comparison ->eq('uid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(42, \PDO::PARAM_INT)) // `uid` >= 42 ->gte('uid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(42, \PDO::PARAM_INT)) // `bodytext` LIKE 'klaus' ->like( 'bodytext', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($queryBuilder->escapeLikeWildcards('klaus')) ) // `bodytext` LIKE '%klaus%' ->like( 'bodytext', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('%' . $queryBuilder->escapeLikeWildcards('klaus') . '%') ) // `uid` IN (42, 0, 44) - properly sanitized, mind the intExplode and PARAM_INT_ARRAY ->in( 'uid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter( GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', '42, karl, 44', true), Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY ) ) // `CType` IN ('media', 'multimedia') - properly sanitized, mind the PARAM_STR_ARRAY ->in( 'CType', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter( ['media', 'multimedia'], Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY ) ) Aggregate functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Aggregate functions used in `SELECT` parts, often combined with `GROUP BY`. First argument is the field name (or table name / alias with field name), second argument an optional alias. * :php:`->min($fieldName, $alias = NULL)` "MIN()" calculation * :php:`->max($fieldName, $alias = NULL)` "MAX()" calculation * :php:`->avg($fieldName, $alias = NULL)` "AVG()" calculation * :php:`->sum($fieldName, $alias = NULL)` "SUM()" calculation * :php:`->count($fieldName, $alias = NULL)` "COUNT()" calculation Examples:: // Calculate the average creation timestamp of all rows from tt_content // SELECT AVG(`crdate`) AS `averagecreation` FROM `tt_content` $result = $queryBuilder ->addSelectLiteral( $queryBuilder->expr()->avg('crdate', 'averagecreation') ) ->from('tt_content') ->execute() ->fetch(); // Distinct list of all existing endtime values from tt_content // SELECT `uid`, MAX(`endtime`) AS `maxendtime` FROM `tt_content` GROUP BY `endtime` $statement = $queryBuilder ->select('uid') ->addSelectLiteral( $queryBuilder->expr()->max('endtime', 'maxendtime') ) ->from('tt_content') ->groupBy('endtime') ->execute(); Various Expressions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TRIM %%%% Using the TRIM expression makes sure fields get trimmed on database level. See the examples below to get a better idea of what can be done. .. code-block:: php $queryBuilder->expr()->comparison( $queryBuilder->expr()->trim($fieldName), ExpressionBuilder::EQ, $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('', \PDO::PARAM_STR) ); The call to :php:`$queryBuilder->expr()-trim()` can be one of the following: * :php:`trim('fieldName')` results in :code:`TRIM("tableName"."fieldName")` * :php:`trim('fieldName', AbstractPlatform::TRIM_LEADING, 'x')` results in :code:`TRIM(LEADING "x" FROM "tableName"."fieldName")` * :php:`trim('fieldName', AbstractPlatform::TRIM_TRAILING, 'x')` results in :code:`TRIM(TRAILING "x" FROM "tableName"."fieldName")` * :php:`trim('fieldName', AbstractPlatform::TRIM_BOTH, 'x')` results in :code:`TRIM(BOTH "x" FROM "tableName"."fieldName")` LENGTH %%%%%% The LENGTH string function can be used to return the length of a string in bytes, method signature is fieldName with optional alias :php:`->length(string $fieldName, string $alias = null)` .. code-block:: php $queryBuilder->expr()->comparison( $queryBuilder->expr()->length($fieldName), ExpressionBuilder::GT, $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT) );