.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _sitehandling-inConditions: =============================== Using Site Config in Conditions =============================== Site configuration may be used in all conditions that use Symfony Expression language `Typo3ConditionFunctionsProvider` - at the moment this means in EXT:form variants and TypoScript conditions. Two objects are available: `site` and `siteLanguage`. With `site` you can access the properties of the top level site configuration. `siteLanguage` accesses the configuration of the current site language. TypoScript Examples =================== The identifier of the site name is evaluated: .. code-block:: typoscript [site("identifier") == "someIdentifier"] page.30.value = foo [global] Property of the current site language is evaluated: .. code-block:: typoscript [siteLanguage("locale") == "de_CH.UTF-8"] page.40.value = bar [global] EXT:form Examples ================= Translate options via `siteLanguage` condition: .. code-block:: yaml renderables: - type: Page identifier: page-1 label: DE renderingOptions: previousButtonLabel: 'zurück' nextButtonLabel: 'weiter' variants: - identifier: language-variant-1 condition: 'siteLanguage("locale") == en_US.UTF-8' label: EN renderingOptions: previousButtonLabel: 'Previous step' nextButtonLabel: 'Next step'