.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _sitehandling-using-env-vars: ================================================= Using Environment Variables in Site Configuration ================================================= Environment Variables in site configuration allows setting placeholders for configuration options that get replaced by environment variables specific to the current environment. The format for environment variables is `%env(ENV_NAME)%`. Environment variables may be used to replace complete values or parts of a value. Example: .. code-block:: yaml base: 'https://%env(BASE_DOMAIN)%/' When using environment variables in conditions, make sure to quote them correctly: .. code-block:: yaml condition: '"%env(my_env)%" == "my_comparison_string"' .. note:: TYPO3 does not provide a loader for .env files - you have to take care of loading them yourself. Common options include setting environment configuration via server configuration or using `vlucas/phpdotenv `_.