.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _extension-files-locations: .. _extension-reserved-folders-legacy: =================== Files and Locations =================== .. _extension-files: Files ===== An extension consists of: 1. A directory named by the *extension key* (which is a worldwide unique identification string for the extension), usually located in :file:`typo3conf/ext` for local extensions, or :file:`typo3/sysext` for system extensions. 2. Standard files with reserved names for configuration related to TYPO3 (of which most are optional, see list below) 3. Any number of additional files for the extension functionality itself. .. _extension-reserved-filenames: Reserved File Names =================== This lists files within an extension that have a specific meaning by convention. TYPO3 will scan for reserved file names and use the content for specific functionality. For example, if a svg logo of your extension is placed at :file:`Resources/Public/Icons/Extension.svg`, the Extension Manager will show that image. Most of these files are not required. The exception is :file:`ext_emconf.php`: You can not have a TYPO3 extension recognized by TYPO3 without this file. In general, do not introduce your own files in the root directory of extensions with the name prefix :file:`ext_`, because that is reserved. .. _files-composer-json: :file:`composer.json` --------------------- *-- required* For more information, see :ref:`composer-json`. .. _ext_emconf-php: :file:`ext_emconf.php` ---------------------- *-- required* Definition of extension properties. This is the only mandatory file in the extension. It describes the extension. Name, category, status etc. are used by the Extension Manager. The content of this file is described in more details :ref:`below `. Note that it is auto-written by the Extension Manager when extensions are imported from the repository. .. note:: If this file is *not* present, the Extension Manager will *not* find the extension. .. _ext_localconf-php: :file:`ext_localconf.php` ------------------------- *-- optional* Addition to :file:`LocalConfiguration.php`. It should contain additional configuration of :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']`. This file contains hook definitions and plugin configuration. It must not contain a PHP encoding declaration. All :file:`ext_localconf.php` files of loaded extensions are included right *after* the files :file:`typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php` and :file:`typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php` during TYPO3 :ref:`bootstrap `. Pay attention to the rules for the contents of these files. For more details, see the :ref:`section below `. .. _ext_tables-php`: :file:`ext_tables.php` ---------------------- *-- optional* Contains extensions of existing tables, declaration of backend modules, etc. All code in such files is included after all the default definitions provided by the core and loaded after :file:`ext_localconf.php` files during TYPO3 :ref:`bootstrap `. Pay attention to the rules for the contents of these files. For more details, see the :ref:`section below `. .. note:: In old TYPO3 core versions, this file contained additions to the global :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA']` array. This changed since core version 6.2 to allow effective caching: TCA definition of new database tables must be done entirely in :file:`Configuration/TCA/.php`. These files are expected to contain the full TCA of the given table (as an array) and simply return it (with a :php:`return` statement). Customizations of existing tables must be done entirely in :file:`Configuration/TCA/Overrides/
.php`. .. _ext_tables.sql: :file:`ext_tables.sql` ---------------------- *-- optional* SQL definition of database tables. This file should contain a table-structure dump of the tables used by the extension. It is used for evaluation of the database structure and is applied to the database when an extension is enabled. If you add additional fields (or depend on certain fields) to existing tables you can also put them here. In that case insert a :code:`CREATE TABLE` structure for that table, but remove all lines except the ones defining the fields you need, here is an example adding a column to the pages table: .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE pages ( tx_myext_field int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ); TYPO3 will merge this table definition to the existing table definition when comparing expected and actual table definitions. Partial definitions can also contain indexes and other directives. They can also change existing table fields though that is not recommended, because it may create problems with the TYPO3 core and/or other extensions. The :file:`ext_tables.sql` file may not necessarily be "dumpable" directly to MySQL (because of the semi-complete table definitions allowed defining only required fields). But the Extension Manager or Install Tool can handle this. TYPO3 parses :code:`ext_tables.sql` files. TYPO3 expects that all table definitions in this file look like the ones produced by the :code:`mysqldump` utility. Incorrect definitions may not be recognized by the TYPO3 SQL parser or may lead to MySQL errors, when TYPO3 tries to apply them. If TYPO3 is not running on MySQL or directly compatible other DBMS like MariaDB, the system will parse the file towards the target DBMS like PostgreSQL. .. _auto-generated-db-structure: Auto generated structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The database schema analyzer automatically creates TYPO3 "management" related database columns by reading a tables TCA and checking the :ref:`t3tca:ctrl` section for table capabilities. Field definitions in :file:`ext_tables.sql` take precedence over automatically generated fields, so the core never overrides a manually specified column definition from an :file:`ext_tables.sql` file. These columns below are automatically added if not defined in :file:`ext_tables.sql` for database tables that provide a :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA']` definition: :php:`uid` and :php:`PRIMARY KEY` If uid field is not provided inside :file:`ext_tables.sql`, the :php:`PRIMARY KEY` **must** be omitted, too. :php:`pid` and :php:`KEY parent` Column pid is :php:`unsigned` if the table is not workspace aware, the default index :php:`parent` includes :php:`pid` and :php:`hidden` as well as :php:`deleted` if the latter two are specified in :php:`TCA` :ref:`t3tca:ctrl`. The parent index creation is only applied if column :php:`pid` is auto generated, too. :php:`['ctrl']['tstamp'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`tstamp` or :php:`updatedon` :php:`['ctrl']['crdate'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`crdate` or :php:`createdon` :php:`['ctrl']['cruser_id'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`cruser` or :php:`createdby` :php:`['ctrl']['delete'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`deleted` :php:`['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`hidden` or :php:`disabled` :php:`['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['starttime'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`starttime` :php:`['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['endtime'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`endtime` :php:`['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['fe_group'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`fe_group` :php:`['ctrl']['sortby'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`sorting` :php:`['ctrl']['descriptionColumn'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`description` :php:`['ctrl']['editlock'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`editlock` :php:`['ctrl']['languageField'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`sys_language_uid` :php:`['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`l10n_parent` :php:`['ctrl']['translationSource'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`l10n_source` :php:`l10n_state` Column added if :php:`languageField` and :php:`transOrigPointerField` are set :php:`['ctrl']['origUid'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`t3_origuid` :php:`['ctrl']['transOrigDiffSourceField'] = 'fieldName'` Often set to :php:`l10n_diffsource` :php:`['ctrl']['versioningWS'] = true` - :php:`t3ver_*` columns Columns that make a table workspace aware. All those fields are prefixed with :php:`t3ver_`, for example :php:`t3ver_oid` and :php:`t3ver_id`. A default index named :php:`t3ver_oid` to fields :php:`t3ver_oid` and :php:`t3ver_wsid` is added, too. .. _ext_tables_static+adt.sql: :file:`ext_tables_static+adt.sql` --------------------------------- Static SQL tables and their data. If the extension requires static data you can dump it into an SQL file by this name. Example for dumping mysql data from bash (being in the extension directory): .. code-block:: shell mysqldump --add-drop-table \ --password=[password] [database name] \ [tablename] > ./ext_tables_static+adt.sql :code:`--add-drop-table` will make sure to include a DROP TABLE statement so any data is inserted in a fresh table. You can also drop the table content using the Extension Manager in the backend. .. note:: The table structure of static tables needs to be in the :file:`ext_tables.sql` file as well - otherwise an installed static table will be reported as being in excess in the Install Tool. .. warning:: Static data is not meant to be extended by other extensions. On re-import all extended fields and data is lost due to `DROP TABLE` statements. .. _ext_typoscript_constants.typoscript: :file:`ext_typoscript_constants.typoscript` ------------------------------------------- Preset TypoScript constants. Will be included in the constants section of all TypoScript templates. .. warning:: Use such a file if you absolutely need to load some TS (because you would get serious errors without it). Otherwise static templates or usage of the *Extension Management API* of class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility` are preferred. .. _ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript: :file:`ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript` --------------------------------------- Preset TypoScript setup. Will be included in the setup section of all TypoScript templates. .. warning:: Use such a file if you absolutely need to load some TS (because you would get serious errors without it). Otherwise static templates or usage of the *Extension Management API* of class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility` are preferred. .. _ext_conf_template.txt: :file:`ext_conf_template.txt` ----------------------------- Extension Configuration template. Configuration code in TypoScript syntax setting up a series of values which can be configured for the extension in the Install Tool. :ref:`Read more about the file format here `. If this file is present 'Settings' of the Install Tool provides you with an interface for editing the configuration values defined in the file. The result is written as an array to :file:`LocalConfiguration.php` in the variable :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS'][`:code:`*extension_key*` :php:`]` .. _fileRequestmiddlewaresPhp`: :file:`RequestMiddlewares.php` ------------------------------ Full path to this file is: :file:`Configuration/RequestMiddlewares.php`. Configuration of user-defined middlewares for frontend and backend. Extensions that add middlewares or disable existing middlewares configure them in this file. The file must return an array with the configuration. For more details, see :ref:`request-handling-configuring-middlewares`. .. _fileRoutesPhp: :file:`Routes.php` and :file:`AjaxRoutes.php` --------------------------------------------- Full paths to these files are: :file:`Configuration/Backend/Routes.php` and :file:`Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php`. Registry of backend routes. Extensions that add backend modules must register their routes here to be correctly linkable in the backend. The file must return an array with routing details. See core extensions like :php:`backend` for examples. .. _extension-svg: :file:`Resources/Public/Icons/Extension.svg` -------------------------------------------- Extension icon. If exists, this icon is displayed in the Extension Manager. Preferred is using an SVG file, Extension icon will look nicer when provided as vector graphics (SVG) rather than bitmaps (GIF or PNG). 18x16 GIF, PNG or SVG icon for the extension. .. _extension-reserved-folders: Reserved Folders ================ In the early days, every extension baked it own bread when it came to file locations of PHP classes, public web resources and templates. With the rise of Extbase, a generally accepted structure for file locations inside extensions has been established. If extension authors stick to this, the system helps in various ways. For instance, if putting PHP classes into the :file:`Classes/` folder and naming classes accordingly, the system will be able to autoload these without further action from the developer. Extension kickstarters like the `Extension Builder `_ will create the correct structure for you. It is described below: Classes Contains all PHP classes. One class per file. Should have sub folders like :code:`Controller/`, :code:`Domain/`, :code:`Service/` or :code:`View/`. For more details on class file namings an PHP namespaces, see chapter :ref:`namespaces `. Classes/Controller Contains MVC Controller classes. Classes/Domain/Model Contains MVC Domain model classes. Classes/Domain/Repository Contains data repository classes. Classes/ViewHelpers Helper classes used in (Fluid) views. Configuration General configuration folder. Some of the sub directories in here like :file:`TCA` and :file:`Backend` have special meaning and files in there are automatically included during TYPO3 bootstrap. Configuration/Backend/ Contains backend routing configurations. See files description of :php:`Routes.php` and :php:`AjaxRoutes.php` :ref:`above `. Configuration/TCA One file per database table, using the name of the table for the file, plus ".php". Only for new tables. Configuration/TCA/Overrides For extending existing tables. General advice: One file per database table, using the name of the table for the file, plus ".php". For more informations, see chapter :ref:`Extending the TCA Array `. Configuration/TSconfig/Page Page TSconfig, see chapter :ref:`'Page TSconfig' in the TSconfig Reference `. Files should have the file extension :file:`.tsconfig`. Configuration/TSconfig/User User TSconfig, see chapter :ref:`'User TSconfig' in the TSconfig Reference `. Files should have the file extension :file:`.tsconfig`. Configuration/TypoScript TypoScript static setup (:file:`setup.typoscript`) and constants (:file:`constants.typoscript`). Use subfolders if you have several static templates. Documentation Contains the extension documentation in ReStructuredText (ReST, .rst) format. Read more on the topic in chapter :ref:`extension documentation `. :file:`Documentation/` and its subfolders may contain several ReST files, images and other resources. Documentation/Index.rst This file contains the cover page of the extension manual in ReST format. The name or format of the file may not be changed. You may include other ReST files as you like. See the `"Extension Template" on docs.typo3.org`_ for more information about structure and syntax of extension manuals. .. _"Extension Template" on docs.typo3.org: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtensionManualExample/ Resources Contains the subfolders :code:`Public/` and :code:`Private/`, which contain resources, possibly in further subfolders, e.g. :code:`Templates/`, :code:`Css/`, :code:`Language/`, :code:`Images/` or :code:`JavaScript/`. This is also the directory for non–TYPO3 files supplied with the extension. TYPO3 is licensed under GPL version 2 or any later version. Any non–TYPO3 code must be compatible with GPL version 2 or any later version. Resources/Private/Language XLIFF files for localized labels. Resources/Private/Layouts Main layouts for (Fluid) views. Resources/Private/Partials Partial templates for repetitive use. Resources/Private/Templates One template per action, stored in a folder named after each Controller. Resources/Public/Css Any CSS file used by the extension. Resources/Public/Images Any images used by the extension. Resources/Public/JavaScript Any JS file used by the extension. Tests/Unit Contains unit tests and fixtures. Tests/Functional Contains functional tests and fixtures.