.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Events; SendRecoveryEmailEvent .. _SendRecoveryEmailEvent: ====================== SendRecoveryEmailEvent ====================== The PSR-14 event :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\FrontendLogin\Event\SendRecoveryEmailEvent` contains the email to be sent and additional information about the user who requested a new password. .. hint:: Before TYPO3 v13, only the variables :html:`{receiverName}`, :html:`{url}` and :html:`{validUntil}` are available in the Fluid template of the password recovery email. If more user-related data was required in the recovery email, integrators had to use this PSR-14 event to add additional variables to the email object. Since TYPO3 v13, a new array variable :html:`{userData}` is available in the password recovery :php:`FluidEmail` object. It contains the values of all fields belonging to the affected frontend user. Therefore, for this use case, this event is not needed anymore. Example ======= .. include:: /_includes/EventsContributeNote.rst.txt API === .. include:: /CodeSnippets/Events/FrontendLogin/SendRecoveryEmailEvent.rst.txt