.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: LinkBrowser; Custom .. _tutorial-github-link-handler: ============================ Create a custom link browser ============================ In this tutorial we create a custom link browser and the associated :ref:`backend link handler `. We create a new tab in the link browser window in the TYPO3 backend: .. include:: /Images/ManualScreenshots/Backend/CustomLinkBrowser.rst.txt .. tip:: If you want to link to a record in a custom table, configure the :ref:`RecordLinkBrowser `. You do not need a custom link browser in that scenario. We introduce a :ref:`custom link format ` to store the links in this format: `t3://github?issue=123`. This enables us to edit an existing link in the link browser or to change parts of the GitHub URI programmatically later. And we :ref:`render the new link in the frontend ` automatically. **Step by step to a custom link browser** .. contents:: :local: .. _tutorial_backend_link_handler-tsconfig: 1. Register the custom link browser tab in page TSconfig ========================================================= .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_PageTsConfig.rst.txt The following options are of note here: :typoscript:`handler` The :ref:`backend link handler ` that we create in step 2. :typoscript:`configuration` Some configuration, available to the backend link handler. This information is **not available in the frontend**. Therefore in the :ref:`frontend rendering of the link ` the information must be stored in another way. In this example we hardcoded it. But you could also make it available by TypoScript Setup or as part of the link that is saved. For a complete list of available option see :ref:`link-handler-configuration`. .. _tutorial_backend_link_handler: 2. Create a link browser tab ============================ To create a link browser tab we implement the interface :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\LinkHandler\LinkHandlerInterface`. All backend link handlers provided by the Core extend the abstract class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\LinkHandler\AbstractLinkHandler`. However, this class is marked as :php:`@internal` and therefore can be changed by the Core Team at any time. You have the choice of implementing the :php:`LinkHandlerInterface` yourself by having a look at the :php:`AbstractLinkHandler` for best practices or to extend the :php:`AbstractLinkHandler`. In the latter case your code might break on updates though. In this tutorial, we implement the :php:`LinkHandlerInterface` directly, as it is best practice not to rely on internal classes. You can find the complete class in the extension EXT:examples on GitHub: `GitHubLinkHandler `__. We will explain some of the important methods below: Initialization and dependencies ------------------------------- .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_GitHubLinkHandlerInitialize.rst.txt For technical reasons, not all dependencies needed by the backend link handler can be acquired by :ref:`DependencyInjection`. Therefore the following two methods are called by Core classes once the dependencies are available: :php:`LinkHandlerInterface::initialize()` takes care of setting the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\AbstractLinkBrowserController`, the identifier and the configuration information. In this example we only need the configuration, the other parameters might be needed in different scenarios. :php:`AbstractLinkBrowserController $linkBrowser` Is the surrounding class calling the link handler. This class stores configuration information of the complete link browser window. :php:`string $identifier` Contains the key of the page TSconfig configuration of the link browser tab this instance renders. :php:`array $configuration` Contains the page TSconfig configuration as array of the link browser tab this instance renders. The method :php:`setView()` is called by the :php:`AbstractLinkBrowserController` once the view is available and contains the necessary information to render the link browser window. .. note:: :php:`setView()` is not part of the :php:`LinkHandlerInterface` and its call is an implementation detail that might be changed in the future. Enable dependency injection --------------------------- Backend link handlers are called internally in the TYPO3 Core by :php:`GeneralUtility::makeInstance()`. Therefore dependency injection needs to be enabled by marking the class as public in the extension's :file:`Configuration/Services.yaml`. As we keep internal states in the link handler class (for example :php:`$linkParts`) it cannot be a singleton and must be marked as :yaml:`shared: false`: .. literalinclude:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_Services.yaml :caption: EXT:examples/Configuration/Services.yaml .. _tutorial_backend_link_handler_render: Render the link browser tab --------------------------- The method :php:`LinkHandlerInterface::render()` is called when the tab should be rendered. It registers the required JavaScript in the page renderer, assigns variables to the view and returns the rendered HTML. .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_GitHubLinkHandlerRender.rst.txt .. _tutorial_backend_link_handler_javascript: Set the link via JavaScript --------------------------- When the button in the rendered form is clicked to set a link, a custom JavaScript class interprets the form data and creates the link to be stored: .. todo: Configure code snippet tool to remove or shorten the license comment here .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_CustomLinkHandlerJavaScript.rst.txt It is important that the JavaScript function calls :js:`LinkBrowser.finalizeFunction()`. Otherwise no link will be set. If not done yet, the JavaScript has to be registered in the file :file:`EXT:my_extension/Configuration/JavaScriptModules.php`. Otherwise it will not be found by :php:`$pageRenderer->loadJavaScriptModule()`. .. literalinclude:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_JavaScriptModules.php :caption: EXT:examples/Configuration/JavaScriptModules.php As our JavaScript class depends on classes provided by the backend system extension, :php:`backend` has to be added as dependency. See also :ref:`backend-javascript-es6-loading`. .. _tutorial_backend_link_handler_canHandleLink: Can we handle this link? ------------------------ The method :php:`LinkHandlerInterface::canHandleLink()` is called when the user edits an existing link in the link browser. All backend link handlers will be called and can decide if they can handle that link. If so, they should store the provided information to be used in rendering (for example, to fill an input field with the old value). .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_GitHubLinkHandlerCanHandleLink.rst.txt .. _tutorial_backend_link_handler_formatCurrentUrl: Format current URL ------------------ The function :php:`LinkHandlerInterface::formatCurrentUrl()` is used to preview what the link will look like in the backend, for example, in the upper part of the link browser window. .. attention:: :php:`LinkHandlerInterface::formatCurrentUrl()` is not used to render the link in the frontend. .. _tutorial-core-link-handler: 3. Introduce the custom link format =================================== You can find the complete class in the extension EXT:examples on GitHub: `GitHubLinkHandling `__. Our :ref:`backend link handler implementation from step 1 ` saves the link in the custom format `t3://github?issue=123` via JavaScript. This format is only an arbitrary string until we tell TYPO3 how to handle links of the new format by a second class which implements the :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\LinkHandling\LinkHandlingInterface`. .. note:: There are two interfaces with very similar names and very different functionality involved here. The :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\LinkHandler\LinkHandlerInterface` renders a tab in the link browser window in the backend. Its implementing class is commonly called a "(backend) link handler". Classes implementing the interface :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Core\LinkHandling\LinkHandlingInterface` handle the introduced link format. Such a class is called a "(core) link handler". .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_GitHubLinkHandling.rst.txt The method :php:`LinkHandlingInterface::asString()` creates a string representation from the parameter array. :php:`LinkHandlingInterface::resolveHandlerData()` receives the string representation of the link and creates the parameter array from it. For convenience the parameters are already parsed and stored as key-value pairs in an array for you. You can perform further processing here if needed. .. _tutorial-typolink-builder: 4. Render the custom link format in the frontend ================================================ The link builder, a class extending the abstract class :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\AbstractTypolinkBuilder` is called whenever a link is rendered in the frontend, for example via TypoScript :typoscript:`.typolink`, by the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::typoLink` function or by the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Web\Routing\UriBuilder`. .. include:: _CustomLinkBrowser/_GithubLinkBuilder.rst.txt .. todo: Mention LinkFactory for v12 and other calling API for v11 The link builder must be registered in :file:`ext_localconf.php`, so that the correct link builder for the new type can be determined by the calling API: .. code-block:: php :caption: EXT:examples/ext_localconf.php (Excerpt) $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['typolinkBuilder']['github'] = \T3docs\Examples\LinkHandler\GithubLinkBuilder::class; The function :php:`AbstractTypolinkBuilder::build()` is called with the link configuration and data from the typolink function. If the link can be rendered, it returns a new :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultInterface`. The actual rendering of the link depends on the context the link is rendered in (for example HTML or JSON). If the link cannot be built it should throw a :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\UnableToLinkException`. .. attention:: The configuration from the :ref:`page TSconfig configuration ` (step 1) is **not available in the frontend**. Therefore the information which repository to use must be stored in another way. In this example we hardcoded it. But you could also make it available by TypoScript setup or as part of the link format that is saved.