.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: pair: Crowdin; Extensions .. _crowdin-extension-integration: ===================== Extension integration ===================== This section describes how an extension author can get his extension set up at :ref:`Crowdin `. .. note:: * Your extension must be on GitHub, GitLab (:abbr:`SaaS (Software as a service)` or self-managed) or BitBucket. * Currently, TYPO3 can only handle one branch/version for languages. Typically you should select the "main" branch. Setup ===== Get in contact with the team in the TYPO3 Slack channel `#cig-crowdin-localization`_ with the following information: #. Extension name #. Your email address for an invitation to Crowdin, so you will get the correct role for your project. .. _#cig-crowdin-localization: https://typo3.slack.com/app_redirect?channel=CMUG7C04F Integration =========== In a next step you need to configure the integration of your Git provider into Crowdin. Have a look at the documentation on how to connect your repository with Crowdin: * `GitHub integration `__ * `GitLab integration `__ * `BitBucket integration `__ Happy translating! .. tip:: Checkout the :ref:`crowdin-faq` for solutions to common pitfalls.