.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Plugin; Create .. _Create-plugins: ============== Create plugins ============== How to create plugins with the Extbase framework and Fluid templating engine is handled in depth in the chapter :ref:`extbase_registration_of_frontend_plugins`. There are basically three ways to create plugins in TYPO3: #. With the Extbase framework using :php:`configurePlugin()` in the file :file:`ext_localconf.php` and :php:`registerPlugin()` in the file :file:`Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php` #. Create a frontend plugin using Core functionality and a custom controller Generally speaking, if you already use Extbase, it is good practice to create your plugins using the Extbase framework. This also involves: * creating controller actions * create a domain model and repository (if your plugin requires records that are persisted in the database) * create a view using Fluid templates