.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _backend-routing: Routing ^^^^^^^ Each request to the backend is eventually executed by a controller. A list of routes is defined which maps a given request to a controller and an action. Routes are defined inside extensions, in file :file:`Configuration/Backend/Routes.php` for general requests and in :file:`Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php` for AJAX calls. Here is an extract of :file:`typo3/sysext/backend/Configuration/Backend/Routes.php`: .. code-block:: php [ 'path' => '/login', 'access' => 'public', 'target' => Controller\LoginController::class . '::formAction' ], // Main backend rendering setup (previously called backend.php) for the TYPO3 Backend 'main' => [ 'path' => '/main', 'target' => Controller\BackendController::class . '::mainAction' ], ... ]; So a routes file essentially returns an array containing routes mapping. A route is defined by a key, a path and a target. The "public" :code:`access` property indicates that no authentication is required for that action. .. note:: As the above code extract mentions, routes are a new feature (since TYPO3 CMS 7) and may yet evolve.