.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configuration-default-configuration: Default configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TYPO3 CMS comes with some default settings, which are defined in file :file:`typo3/sysext/core/Configuration/DefaultConfiguration.php`. Here is an extract of that file: .. code-block:: php return array( 'GFX' => array( // Configuration of the image processing features in TYPO3. 'IM' and 'GD' are short for ImageMagick and GD library respectively. 'image_processing' => true, // Boolean: Enables image processing features. Disabling this means NO image processing with either GD or IM! 'thumbnails' => true, // Boolean: Enables the use of thumbnails in the backend interface. 'thumbnails_png' => 0, // Bits. Bit0: If set, thumbnails from non-jpegs will be 'png', otherwise 'gif' (0=gif/1=png). Bit1: Even JPG's will be converted to png or gif (2=gif/3=png) 'gif_compress' => true, // Boolean: Enables the use of the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::gifCompress() workaround function for compressing giffiles made with GD or IM, which probably use only RLE or no compression at all. ... ), ... ); You will probably find it interesting to take a look at that file, which also contains values not displayed in the Install Tool and thus not easily available for modification.