.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _csh: Context Sensitive Help (CSH) ---------------------------- TYPO3 CMS offers a full API for adding Context Sensitive Help to backend modules and - especially - to all database tables and fields. CSH then appears either as a help icon in the docheader (for modules) or as a popup on field labels when editing database records. The text is meant to help the user understand what the module does or what the database field means. .. figure:: ../../Images/ContextSensitiveHelpDatabaseRecord.png :alt: CSH for the "Title" field Viewing the context sensitive help of the "Title" field of the "pages" table When hovering over a help icon or a field label with CSH, the cursor transforms into a question mark. Clicking on the element triggers the appearance of the popup window. If the CSH contains more information, the bubble help displays a small icon after the text (as in the screenshot above). Clicking on that icon opens a popup window with lengthier explanations, possible enriched with images. .. figure:: ../../Images/ContextSensitiveHelpPopup.png :alt: Popup help window Popup help window for the "Title" field of the "pages" table Clicking on the "Back" icon at the top of the popup window leads to a table of contents of all the available CSH. .. figure:: ../../Images/ContextSensitiveHelpPopupToc.png :alt: Popup help window with TOC Popup help window with the table of contents of all available help topics .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: TcaDescr/Index CshFiles/Index ImplementingCsh/Index