.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-properties-displaycond: =========== displayCond =========== The display conditions are implemented in class `TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Form\\FormDataProvider\\EvaluateDisplayConditions `_, which is a :ref:`FormDataProvider`. It can be used for fields directly in the record as well as for FlexForm values. .. confval:: displayCond :name: columns-displayCond :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field] :Required: false :type: string / array :Scope: Display Contains one or more condition rules for whether to display the field or not. Conditions can be grouped and nested using boolean operators :code:`AND` or :code:`OR` as array keys. See examples below. A rule is a string divided into several parts by ":" (colons). The first part is the rule-type and the subsequent parts depend on the rule type. The following rules are available: FIELD This evaluates based on another field's value in the record. - Part 1 is the field name - Part 2 is the evaluation type. These are the possible options: REQ Requires the field to have a "true" value. False values are "" (blank string) and 0 (zero). Everything else is true. For the REQ evaluation type Part 3 of the rules string must be the string "true" or "false". If "true" then the rule returns "true" if the evaluation is true. If "false" then the rule returns "true" if the evaluation is false. **> / < / >= / <=** Evaluates if the field value is greater than, less than the value in "Part 3" **= / !=** Evaluates if the field value is equal to value in "Part 3" **IN / !IN** Evaluates if the field value is in the comma list equal to value in "Part 3" **- / !-** Evaluates if the field value is in the range specified by value in "Part 3" ([min] - [max]) **BIT / !BIT** Evaluates if the bit specified by the value in "Part 3" is set in the field's value (considered as an integer) - Part 3 is a comma separated list of string or numeric values REC:NEW This can be used to test whether the current record is new or not. HIDE\_FOR\_NON\_ADMINS This will hide the field for all non-admin users while admins can see it. Useful for FlexForm container fields which are not supposed to be edited directly via the FlexForm but rather through some other interface. USER userFunc call with a fully qualified class name. Additional parameters can be passed separated by colon: :php:`USER:Evoweb\\Example\\User\\MyConditionMatcher->checkHeader:some:more:info` The following arguments are passed as array to the userFunc: - :php:`record`: the currently edited record - :php:`flexContext`: details about the FlexForm if the condition is used in one - :php:`flexformValueKey`: `vDEF` - :php:`conditionParameters`: additional parameters The called method is expected to return a :php:`bool` value: :php:`true` if the field should be displayed, :php:`false` otherwise. VERSION:IS Evaluate if a record is a "versioned" record from workspaces. - Part 1 is the type: IS Part 2 is "true" or "false": If true, the field is shown only if the record is a version (pid == -1). Example to show a field in "Live" workspace only: :php:`VERSION:IS:false` In FlexForm, display conditions can be attached to single fields in sheets, to sheets itself, to flex section fields and to flex section container element fields. :code:`FIELD` references can be prefixed with a sheet name to reference a field from a neighbor sheet, see examples below. .. tip:: Fields used in a conditions should have the column option :confval:`columns-onChange` set to reload. Examples ======== Simple display condition ------------------------ This example will require the field named "tx\_templavoila\_ds" to be true, otherwise the field for which this rule is set will not be displayed: .. code-block:: php 'displayCond' => 'FIELD:tx_templavoila_ds:REQ:true', Combining conditions -------------------- Multiple conditions can be combined: .. code-block:: php 'displayCond' => [ 'AND' => [ 'FIELD:tx_templavoila_ds:REQ:true', 'FIELD:header:=:Headline', ], ], A complex example ----------------- Going further the next example defines the following conditions: for the "example_field" field to be displayed, the content element must be in the default language. Furthermore it must be a text-type element or have the headline "Example" defined: .. code-block:: php 'displayCond' => [ 'AND' => [ 'FIELD:sys_language_uid:=:0', 'OR' => [ 'FIELD:CType:=:text', 'FIELD:header:=:Example' ] ] ], A complex example in a FlexForm ------------------------------- Using :code:`OR` and :code:`AND` within FlexForms works like this: .. code-block:: xml FIELD:sys_language_uid:=:0 FIELD:CType:=:text FIELD:header:=:Example Access values in a flexform --------------------------- Flex form fields can access field values from various different sources: .. code-block:: xml FIELD:parentRec.header:REQ:true FIELD:parentRec.field_1:!=:foo FIELD:flexField_1:!=:foo FIELD:sheet_1.flexField_1:!=:foo