.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _tca_property_search: ====== search ====== .. confval:: search :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: array :Scope: Search :Types: :ref:`input ` Defines additional search-related options for a given field. .. confval:: pidonly :type: boolean Searches in the column only if search happens on the single page, does not search the field if searching in the whole table. .. confval:: case :type: boolean Makes the search case-sensitive. This requires a proper database collation for the field, see your database documentation. .. confval:: andWhere :type: string Additional SQL WHERE statement without 'AND'. With this it is possible to place an additional condition on the field when it is searched Example from "tt\_content" bodytext:: 'bodytext' => [ 'config' => [ 'search' => [ 'andWhere' => '{#CType}=\'text\' OR {#CType}=\'textpic\'', ], ... ], ... ], This means that the "bodytext" field of the "tt\_content" table will be searched in only for elements of type Text and Text & Images. This helps making any search more relevant. The above example uses the special field quoting syntax :php:`{#...}` around identifiers of the QueryHelper to be as DBAL compatible as possible.