.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-check-checkboxToggle: =============== Toggle checkbox =============== The checkbox with the :ref:`renderType checkboxToggle ` renders as one or several toggle switches. As opposed to the :ref:`Labeled toggle checkbox ` no additional labels for the states can be defined. .. include:: /Images/Rst/Checkbox17.rst.txt .. include:: /Images/Rst/Checkbox18.rst.txt Its state can be inverted via :code:`invertStateDisplay`. Examples ======== .. _tca_example_checkbox_17: Example: Single checkbox with toggle ------------------------------------ .. include:: /Images/Rst/Checkbox17.rst.txt .. include:: /CodeSnippets/Checkbox17.rst.txt `checkboxToggle`: Instead of checkboxes, a toggle item is displayed. .. _tca_example_checkbox_18: Example: Single checkbox with toggle inverted state display ----------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: /Images/Rst/Checkbox18.rst.txt .. include:: /CodeSnippets/Checkbox18.rst.txt `invertedStateDisplay`: A checkbox is marked checked if the database bit is not set and vice versa.