.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-select-properties-authmode-enforce: ================= authMode\_enforce ================= .. confval:: authMode_enforce :name: select-authMode-enforce :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: string (keyword) :Scope: Display / Proc. Various additional enforcing options for :ref:`authMode `, keywords: strict If set, then permission to edit the record will be granted only if the "authMode" evaluates OK. The default is that a record having an authMode configured field with a "non-allowed" value can be edited – just the value of the authMode field cannot be set to a value that is not allowed. **Notice:** This works only when maxitems <=1 (and no MM relations) since the "raw" value in the record is all that is evaluated!