.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _ctrl-reference-selicon-field: ============== selicon\_field ============== .. confval:: selicon_field :name: ctrl-selicon-field :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'] :type: string (field name) :Scope: Display Field name, which contains the thumbnail image used to represent the record visually whenever it is shown in FormEngine as a foreign reference selectable from a selector box. This field must be a :ref:`columns-inline-examples-fal` field where icon files are selected. Since only the first icon file will be used, the :ref:`columns-inline-properties-maxitems` option should be used to allow only selecting a single icon file. You should consider this a feature where you can attach an "icon" to a record which is typically selected as a reference in other records, for example a "category". In such a case this field points out the icon image which will then be shown. This feature can thus enrich the visual experience of selecting the relation in other forms. Examples ======== Select foreign records from a drop-down using selicon ----------------------------------------------------- .. include:: /Images/Rst/SelectSingle12.rst.txt The table :sql:`tx_styleguide_elements_select_single_12_foreign` is defined as follows: .. include:: /CodeSnippets/Manual/SelectSingle12ForeignPart.rst.txt It can be used in another table as a foreign relation, for example in a field with render type :php:`singleSelect`: .. include:: /CodeSnippets/SelectSingle12.rst.txt You can find this example in the :ref:`extension styleguide `.