.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _ctrl-reference-typeicon-column: ================ typeicon\_column ================ .. confval:: typeicon_column :name: ctrl-typeicon-column :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'] :type: string (field name) :Scope: Display Field name, whose value decides *alternative icons* for the table records, the default icon is the one defined with the :ref:`iconfile ` value. The values in the field referenced by this property must match entries in the array defined in :ref:`typeicon_classes ` properties. If no match is found, the default icon is used. See example in the related :ref:`typeicon_classes ` property. If used, the value of this property is often set to the same field name as :ref:`type `. .. note:: The pages table has a special configuration and relies on the :code:`$GLOBALS['PAGES_TYPES']` array.