.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-link-properties-appearance: ========== appearance ========== .. confval:: appearance :name: link-appearance :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: array :Scope: Display Has information about the appearance, namely: allowedOptions (array) .. versionadded:: 12.0 Formerly known as `blindLinkFields` of `linkPopup.options`, which was a deny-list. Now this is an include-list. Display certain options in the link browser. To allow all options in the Link Browser, skip this configuration or set it to :php:`['*']`. To deny all options in the Link Browser, set this configuration to :php:`[]` (empty :php:`array`). class Custom CSS classes for the link params Additional link parameters target Either empty, `_top` or `_blank` title The `title` attribute of the link rel The link relationship. Only available for RTE enabled fields and if `buttons.link.relAttribute.enabled` is enabled in the RTE YAML configuration. .. code-block:: php // Display only 'class' and 'params' 'appearance' => [ 'allowedOptions' => ['class', 'params'], ], .. code-block:: php // Allow all options (or skip this option). 'appearance' => [ 'allowedOptions' => ['*'], ], .. code-block:: php // Deny all options 'appearance' => [ 'allowedOptions' => [], ], .. versionadded:: 12.3 For custom email links, the options can be restricted: body The body of an email can be pre-filled. cc The "cc" field can be pre-filled. bcc: The "bcc" field can be pre-filled. subject: The subject of an email can be pre-filled. .. code-block:: php 'appearance' => [ 'allowedOptions' => ['body', 'cc'], ], allowedExtensions (array) .. versionadded:: 12.0 Formerly known as `allowedExtensions` of `linkPopup.options`. An array of allowed file extensions. To allow all extensions, skip this configuration or set it to :php:`['*']`. It's not possible to deny all extensions. .. code-block:: php // Allow only jpg and png file extensions 'appearance' => [ 'allowedExtensions' => ['jpg', 'png'], ], .. code-block:: php // Allow all file extensions (or skip this option). 'appearance' => [ 'allowedExtensions' => ['*'], ], browserTitle (string, LLL) .. versionadded:: 12.0 Formerly known as `title` of `linkPopup.options`. Allows to set a different `title` attribute for the Link Browser icon, defaults to `Link`. .. code-block:: php // Either provide a LLL-reference (recommended) 'appearance' => [ 'browserTitle' => 'LLL:EXT:Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:my_custom_title', ], .. code-block:: php // Or a simple string value 'appearance' => [ 'browserTitle' => 'My custom title', ], enableBrowser (boolean) .. versionadded:: 12.0 Formerly known as `disabled` of `linkPopup`. The Link Browser is enabled by default. To disable the Link Browser altogether, set this option to :php:`false`. .. code-block:: php // Disable the link browser 'appearance' => [ 'enableBrowser' => false, ],