.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-select-properties-foreign-table-where: ===================== foreign_table_where ===================== .. confval:: foreign_table_where :name: select-foreign-table-where :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: string (SQL WHERE) :Scope: Proc. / Display :RenderType: all The items from :ref:`foreign_table ` are selected with this :sql:`WHERE` clause. The :sql:`WHERE` clause is effectively appended to the existing :sql:`WHERE` clause (which contains default constraints, such as :sql:`NOT deleted`) and must begin with :sql:`AND`. Field quoting ============= The example below uses the special field quoting syntax :php:`{#...}` around identifiers to be as :ref:`DBAL `-compatible as possible. Note that :php:`ORDER BY` and :php:`GROUP BY` should NOT be quoted, since they always receive proper quoting automatically through the API. Markers inside the WHERE statement It is possible to use markers in the WHERE clause: ###REC\_FIELD\_[*field name*]### Any field of the current record. .. note:: The field name part of the marker is not in upper case letters. It must match the exact case used in the database. So for example :sql:`sys_language_uid` must be referenced using `###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid###` ###THIS\_UID### Current element uid (zero if new). ###CURRENT\_PID### The current page id (pid of the record). ###SITEROOT### :ref:`###PAGE\_TSCONFIG\_ID### ` A value you can set from Page TSconfig dynamically. :ref:`###PAGE\_TSCONFIG\_IDLIST### ` A value you can set from Page TSconfig dynamically. :ref:`###PAGE\_TSCONFIG\_STR### ` A value you can set from Page TSconfig dynamically. ###SITE:.### A value from the site configuration, for example: `###SITE:mySetting.categoryPid###` or `###SITE:rootPageId###`. The markers are preprocessed so that the value of CURRENT\_PID and PAGE\_TSCONFIG\_ID are always integers (default is zero), PAGE\_TSCONFIG\_IDLIST will always be a comma-separated list of integers (default is zero) and PAGE\_TSCONFIG\_STR will be quoted before substitution (default is blank string). More information about markers set by Page TSconfig can be found in the :ref:`TSconfig reference `. Examples ======== Select single field with foreign_prefix and foreign_where --------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: /Images/Rst/SelectSingle3.rst.txt .. include:: /CodeSnippets/SelectSingle3.rst.txt .. _tca_example_select_tree_6: Tree field with foreign_table_where =================================== .. include:: /Images/Rst/SelectTree6.rst.txt .. include:: /CodeSnippets/SelectTree6.rst.txt