.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _ctrl-reference-shadowcolumnsfornewplaceholders: =============================== shadowColumnsForNewPlaceholders =============================== .. confval:: shadowColumnsForNewPlaceholders :name: ctrl-shadowColumnsForNewPlaceholders :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'] :type: string (list of field names) :Scope: Proc. When a new element is created in a draft workspace, a placeholder element is created in the Live workspace. Some values must be stored in this placeholder and not just in the overlay record. A typical example would be :code:`sys_language_uid`. This property defines the list of fields whose values are "shadowed" to the Live record. All fields listed for this option must be defined in :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA'][]['columns']` as well. Furthermore fields which are listed in :ref:`transOrigPointerField `, :ref:`languageField `, :ref:`label ` and :ref:`type ` are automatically added to this list of fields and do not have to be mentioned again here. Examples: ========= Example from "sys\_filemounts" table:: 'ctrl' => [ 'shadowColumnsForNewPlaceholders' => 'sys_language_uid,l18n_parent,colPos', ... ],