.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _wizards: Wizards Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wizards are configurable for some field types, namely "input", "text", "select" and "group" types. They provide a way to insert helper- elements, links to wizard scripts etc. A well known example of a wizard application is the form wizard (as provided by the "form" system extension): .. figure:: ../../Images/CoreWizardFormsIcon.png :alt: The forms wizard's icon Click on the forms icon wizard to display the forms editor The wizard is configured for the text area field and appears as an icon to the right. Clicking the icon will guide the user to a view where the "cryptic" form code is presented in a more user-friendly interface: .. figure:: ../../Images/CoreWizardFormsWindow.png :alt: The forms visual editor The visual forms editor provided by the "form" system extension Another example of wizards are the new / edit / suggest wizards which are available for "group" or "select" type fields: .. figure:: ../../Images/WizardsSample.png :alt: Several wizards associated with a field New, edit and suggest wizard, associated with a form field .. _wizards-configuration: Configuration of wizards """""""""""""""""""""""" The value of the "wizards" key in the field config-array is an array. Each key is yet another array which configures the individual wizards for a field. The order of the keys determines the order the wizards are displayed in. The key-values themselves play no important role (except from a few reserved words listed in a table below). .. warning:: Configuration of wizards has changed since TYPO3 CMS 6.2 to provide CSRF protection. To see examples for older version of TYPO3 CMS please refer to other versions of this manual. The configuration for the new / edit / suggest wizards shown above looks like this: .. code-block:: php 'basedOn' => array( 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xlf:sys_template.basedOn', 'config' => array( ... 'wizards' => array( '_PADDING' => 4, '_VERTICAL' => 1, 'suggest' => array( 'type' => 'suggest' ), 'edit' => array( 'type' => 'popup', 'title' => 'Edit template', 'module' => array( 'name' => 'wizard_edit', ), 'popup_onlyOpenIfSelected' => 1, 'icon' => 'edit2.gif', 'JSopenParams' => 'height=350,width=580,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1' ), 'add' => array( 'type' => 'script', 'title' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xlf:sys_template.basedOn_add', 'icon' => 'add.gif', 'params' => array( 'table' => 'sys_template', 'pid' => '###CURRENT_PID###', 'setValue' => 'prepend' ), 'module' => array( 'name' => 'wizard_add' ) ) ) ) ), The first two lines of the "wizards" configuration make use of two reserved keywords to define settings for the display of icons. .. _wizards-reserved: Reserved keys """"""""""""" Each wizard is identified by a key string. However some strings are reserved for general configuration. These are listed in this table and as a rule of thumb they are prefixed with an underscore ("\_"): .. _wizards-reserved-position: \_POSITION ~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key \_POSITION Type string Description Determines the position of the wizard icons/titles. Default is "right". Possible values are "left", "top", "bottom". .. _wizards-reserved-vertical: \_ VERTICAL ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key \_VERTICAL Type boolean Description If set, the wizard icons (if more than one) will be positioned in a column (vertically) and not a row (horizontally, which is default) .. _wizards-reserved-distance: \_ DISTANCE ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key \_DISTANCE Type int+ Description The distance in pixels between wizard icons (if more than one). .. _wizards-reserved-padding: \_PADDING ~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key \_PADDING Type int+ Description The cellpadding of the table which keeps the wizard icons together. .. _wizards-reserved-valign: \_VALIGN ~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key \_VALIGN Type string Description valign attribute in the table holding things together. .. _wizards-reserved-hiddenfield: \_HIDDENFIELD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key \_HIDDENFIELD Type boolean Description If set, the field itself will be a hidden field (and so not visible...) .. _wizards-reserved-any-other-key: [any other key] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key [any other key] Type PHP array Description Configuration of the wizard types, see below. .. _wizards-configuration-general: General configuration options """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" This table lists the general configuration options for (almost) all wizard types. In particular the value of the "type" key is important because it denotes what additional options are available. .. _wizards-configuration-general-type: type ~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description Defines the type of wizard. The options are listed as headlines in the table below. **This setting is required!** .. _wizards-configuration-general-title: title ~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key title Type string or LLL reference Description This is the title of the wizard. For those wizards which require a physical representation – e.g. a link - this will be the link if no icon is presented. .. _wizards-configuration-general-icon: icon ~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key icon Type fileref Description This is the icon representing the wizard. If the first 3 chars are **not** "../" then the file is expected to be in :file:`typo3/sysext/t3skin/icons/gfx/`. To insert custom images, put them into an extension and use an icon path like :file:`EXT:ext/[extension key]/directory/...`. Generally, the format is the same as for referring to icons for selector box options. If the icon is not set, the title will be used for the link. .. _wizards-configuration-general-enablebytypeconfig: enableByTypeConfig ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key enableByTypeConfig Type boolean Description If set, then the wizard is enabled only if declared in the :ref:`Special Configuration of specific types ` (using :code:`wizards[list of wizard-keys]`). .. _wizards-configuration-general-rteonly: RTEonly ~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key RTEonly Type boolean Description If set, then this wizard will appear only if the wizard is presented for a RTE field. .. _wizards-configuration-general-hideparent: hideParent ~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key hideParent Type array Description If set, then the real field will not be shown (but rendered as a hidden field). In "hideParent" you can configure the non-editable display of the content as if it was a field of the :ref:`none-type `. The options are the same as for the "config" key for none-type. .. _wizards-configuration-specific: Specific wizard configuration options based on type """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. _wizards-configuration-script: Script wizard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-script-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "script"]* Creates a link to an external script which can do "context sensitive" processing of the field. This is how the Form and Table wizards are used. .. _wizards-configuration-script-notnewrecords: notNewRecords ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key notNewRecords Type boolean Description If set, the link will appear *only* if the record is not new (that is, it has a proper UID) .. _wizards-configuration-script-script: script '''''' .. container:: table-row Key script Type PHP script filename Description If the first 3 characters are NOT :code:`../` then the file is expected to be in :file:`typo3/`. So to link to a custom script, put it in :file:`../typo3conf/`. File reference can be prefixed "EXT:[extension key]/" to point to a file inside an extension. This is by far the preferred method. A lot of parameters are passed to the script as GET-vars in an array :code:`P`. .. warning:: Deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 6.2, use :ref:`module ` instead. .. _wizards-configuration-script-module: module '''''' .. container:: table-row Key module Type array Description *(Since TYPO3 CMS 6.2)* This array contains configuration matching a declared wizard. For example, the "Add record" wizard is declared that way in :file:`typo3/sysext/backend/ext_tables.php`: .. code-block:: php // Register add wizard \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addModulePath( 'wizard_add', \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($_EXTKEY) . 'Modules/Wizards/AddWizard/' ); Note the key named :code:`wizard_add`. This key is used when configuring a wizard, as in: .. code-block:: php 'module' => array( 'name' => 'wizard_add' ) .. _wizards-configuration-script-params: params '''''' .. container:: table-row Key params Type array Description Here you can put values which are passed to your script in the :code:`P` array. .. _wizards-configuration-script-popup-onlyopenifselected: popup\_onlyOpenIfSelected ''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key popup\_onlyOpenIfSelected Type boolean Description If set, then an element (one or more) from the list must be selected. Otherwise the popup will not appear and you will get a message alert instead. This is supposed to be used with the :file:`wizard_edit.php` script for editing records in "group" type fields. .. _wizards-configuration-popup: Popup and colorbox wizards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-popup-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "popup" or "colorbox"]* Creates a link to an external script opened in a pop-up window. .. _wizards-configuration-popup-notnewrecords: notNewRecords ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key notNewRecords Type boolean Description :ref:`See above, type "script" `. .. _wizards-configuration-popup-script: script '''''' .. container:: table-row Key script Type PHP script filename Description :ref:`See above, type "script" `. .. _wizards-configuration-popup-module: module '''''' .. container:: table-row Key module Type array Description :ref:`See above, type "module" `. .. _wizards-configuration-popup-params: params '''''' .. container:: table-row Key params Type array Description :ref:`See above, type "script" `. .. _wizards-configuration-popup-jsopenparams: JSopenParams '''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key JSopenParams Type string Description Parameters to open JS window: **Example** .. code-block:: php "JSopenParams" => "height=300,width=250,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1", .. _wizards-configuration-user: User-defined wizards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-user-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "userFunc"]* Calls a user function/method to produce the wizard or whatever they are up to. .. _wizards-configuration-user-notnewrecords: notNewRecords ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key notNewRecords Type boolean Description :ref:`See above, type "script" `. .. _REPLACE-ME-userfunc: userFunc '''''''' .. container:: table-row Key userFunc Type string Description Calls a function or a method in a class. **Methods:** [classname]->[methodname] **Functions:** [functionname] The function/class must be included on beforehand. This is advised to be done within the localconf.php file. Two parameters are passed to the function/method: #. an array with parameters, much like the ones passed to scripts. One key is special though: the "item" key, which is passed by reference. So if you alter that value it is reflected *back*! #. a back-reference to the calling TCEform-object. The content returned from the function call is inserted at the position where the the icon/title would normally go. :ref:`See full example below `. .. _wizards-configuration-colorbox: Colorbox wizards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-colorbox-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "colorbox"]* Renders a square box (table) with the background color set to the value of the field. The id-attribute is set to a md5-hash so you might change the color dynamically from pop-up- wizard. The icon is not used, but the title is given as alt-text inside the color-square. .. _wizards-configuration-colorbox-dim: dim ''' .. container:: table-row Key dim Type W x H, pixels Description Determines the dimensions of the box. Default is 20 pixels. .. code-block:: php 'dim' => '50x20', .. _wizards-configuration-colorbox-tablestyle: tableStyle '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key tableStyle Type style-attribute content in table-tag Description Sets the border style of the table, eg .. code-block:: php 'tableStyle' => 'border:solid 1px black;' .. _wizards-configuration-colorbox-exampleimg: exampleImg '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key exampleImg Type string Description Reference to a sample (relative to :file:`PATH_typo3` directory). You can prefix with :code:`EXT:` to get image from extension. An image 350 pixels wide is optimal for display. **Example** .. code-block:: php 'exampleImg' => 'gfx/wizard_colorpickerex.jpg' .. _wizards-configuration-select: Select wizards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-select-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "select"]* This renders a selector box. When a value is selected in the box, the value is transferred to the field and the field (default) element is thereafter selected (this is a blank value and the label is the wizard title). "select" wizards make no use of the icon. The "select" wizard's select-properties can be manipulated with the same number of TSconfig options which are available for "real" :ref:`select-type fields ` in :ref:`TCEFORM.[table].[field] `. The position of these properties is :code:`TCEFORM.[table].[field].wizards.[wizard-key]`. .. _wizards-configuration-select-mode: mode '''' .. container:: table-row Key mode Type append, prepend, [blank] Description Defines how the value is processed: either added to the front or back or (default) substitutes the existing. .. _wizards-configuration-select-items: items ''''' .. container:: table-row Key items foreign\_table\_ etc... Type Options related to the selection of elements as known from :ref:`select-type fields `. Description **Example** .. code-block:: php 'items' => array( array('8 px', '8'), array('10 px', '10'), array('11 px', '11'), array('12 px', '12'), array('14 px', '14'), array('16 px', '16'), array('18 px', '18'), array('20 px', '20') ) .. _wizards-configuration-suggest: Suggest wizards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "suggest"]* This renders an input field next to the selector of :ref:`group-type fields ` (when :ref:`internal_type ` is :code:`db`) or of :ref:`select-type fields ` (using :ref:`foreign_table `). After the user has typed at least 2 (minimumCharacters) characters in this field, a search will start and show a list of records matching the search word. The "suggest" wizard's properties can be configured directly in TCA or in page TSconfig (:ref:`see TCEFORM properties `). .. important:: The configuration options are applied to each table queried by the suggest wizard. There's a general :code:`default` configuration that applies to all tables. On top of that, there can be specific configurations for each table (use the table name as a key). :ref:`See wizard example below `. .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-pidlist: pidList ''''''' .. container:: table-row Key pidList Type list of values Description Limit the search to certain pages (and their subpages). When pidList is empty all pages will be included in the search (as long as the be\_user is allowed to see them). **Example** .. code-block:: php $TCA['pages']['columns']['storage_pid']['config']['wizards']['suggest'] = array( 'type' => 'suggest', 'default' => array( 'pidList' => '1,2,3,45', ), ); .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-piddepth: pidDepth '''''''' .. container:: table-row Key pidDepth Type integer Description Expand pidList by this number of levels. Has an effect only if pidList has a value. **Example** .. code-block:: php $TCA['pages']['columns']['storage_pid']['config']['wizards']['suggest'] = array( 'type' => 'suggest', 'default' => array( 'pidList' => '6,7', 'pidDepth' => 4 ), ); .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-minimumcharacters: minimumCharacters ''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key minimumCharacters Type integer Description Minimum number of characters needed to start the search. Works only in "default" configuration. .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-maxitemsinresultList: maxItemsInResultList '''''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key maxItemsInResultList Type integer Description Maximum number of results to display, default is :code:`10`. .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-maxpathtitlelength: maxPathTitleLength '''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key maxPathTitleLength Type integer Description Maximum number of characters to display when a path element is too long .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-searchwholephrase: searchWholePhrase ''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key searchWholePhrase Type boolean Description Whether to do a :code:`LIKE=%mystring%` (searchWholePhrase = 1) or a :code:`LIKE=mystring%` (to do a real find as you type), default is :code:`0`. **Example** .. code-block:: php $TCA['pages']['columns']['storage_pid']['config']['wizards']['suggest'] = array( 'type' => 'suggest', 'default' => array( 'searchWholePhrase' => 1, ), ); .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-searchcondition: searchCondition ''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key searchCondition Type string Description Additional WHERE clause (not prepended with :code:`AND`). **Example** .. code-block:: php // configures the suggest wizard for the field "storage_pid" in table "pages" to search only for pages with doktype=1 $TCA['pages']['columns']['storage_pid']['config']['wizards']['suggest'] = array( 'type' => 'suggest', 'default' => array( 'searchCondition' => 'doktype=1', ), ); .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-additionalsearchfields: additionalSearchFields '''''''''''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key additionalSearchFields Type string Description *(Available since TYPO3 CMS 6.0)* Comma-separated list of fields the suggest wizard should also search in. By default the wizard looks only in the fields listed in the "label" and "label_alt" properties. .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-cssclass: cssClass '''''''' .. container:: table-row Key cssClass Type string Description Add a CSS class to every list item of the result list. .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-receiverclass: receiverClass ''''''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key receiverClass Type string Description PHP class alternative receiver class. Must extend `TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Form\\Element\\SuggestDefaultReceiver`. .. _wizards-configuration-suggest-renderfunc: renderFunc '''''''''' .. container:: table-row Key renderFunc Type string Description User function to manipulate the displayed records in the results. .. _wizards-configuration-slider: Slider wizards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _wizards-configuration-slider-type: type '''' .. container:: table-row Key type Type string Description *[Must be set to "slider"]* This renders a slider next to the field. It works for either input- type fields or select-type fields. For select-type fields, the wizard will "slide" through the items making up the field. For input-type fields, it will work only for fields evaluated to integer, float and time. It is advised to also define a "range" property, otherwise the slider will go from 0 to 10000. .. _wizards-configuration-slider-step: step '''' .. container:: table-row Key step Type integer/float Description Sets the step size the slider will use. For floating point values this can itself be a floating point value. .. _wizards-configuration-slider-width: width ''''' .. container:: table-row Key width Type pixels Description Defines the width of the slider .. _wizards-configuration-examples: Examples """""""" :ref:`In the next section ` the more complex core wizard scripts are demonstrated with examples. .. _wizards-configuration-examples-preset: Selector box of preset values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can add a selector box containing preset values next to a field: .. figure:: ../../Images/WizardsExamplesSelect.png :alt: Select wizard The select wizard with its list of options When an option from the selector box is selected it will be transferred to the input field of the element. The mode of transfer can be either substitution (default) or prepending or appending the value to the existing value. This is the corresponding TCA configuration: .. code-block:: php 'season' => array( 'exclude' => 0, 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.season', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'input', 'size' => 20, 'eval' => 'trim', 'wizards' => array( 'season_picker' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'mode' => '', 'items' => array( array('LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.season.spring', 'Spring'), array('LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.season.summer', 'Summer'), array('LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.season.autumn', 'Autumn'), array('LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.season.winter', 'Winter'), ) ) ) ) ), .. _wizards-configuration-examples-user: User defined wizard (processing with PHP function) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "userFunc" type of wizard allows you to render all the wizard code yourself. Theoretically, you could produce all of the other wizard kinds ("script", "popup", "colorbox", etc.) with your own user function if you wanted to alter their behavior. In this example the wizard provides to JavaScript-powered buttons that make it possible to increase or decrease the value in the field by 1. The wizard also highlights the field with a background color. This is how it looks: .. figure:: ../../Images/WizardsExamplesUserfunc.png :alt: User-defined wizard The input field with its custom wizard The corresponding configuration is: .. code-block:: php 'weirdness' => array( 'exclude' => 0, 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.weirdness', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'input', 'size' => 10, 'eval' => 'int', 'wizards' => array( 'specialWizard' => array( 'type' => 'userFunc', 'userFunc' => 'Documentation\\Examples\\Userfuncs\\Tca->someWizard', 'params' => array( 'color' => 'green' ) ) ) ) ), Notice the :code:`params` array, which is passed to the user function that handles the wizard. And here's the code of the user function (from file :file:`EXT:examples/Classes/Userfuncs/Tca.php`): .. code-block:: php public function someWizard($PA, $fObj) { // Note that the information is passed by reference, // so it's possible to manipulate the field directly // Here we highlight the field with the color passed as parameter $backgroundColor = 'white'; if (!empty($PA['params']['color'])) { $backgroundColor = $PA['params']['color']; } $PA['item'] = '
' . $PA['item'] . '
'; // Assemble the wizard itself $output = '
'; $commonJavascriptCalls = $PA['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged'] . $PA['fieldChangeFunc']['typo3form.fieldGet'] . ' return false;'; // Create the + button $onClick = "document." . $PA['formName'] . "['" . $PA['itemName'] . "'].value++; " . $commonJavascriptCalls; $output .= '+'; // Create the - button $onClick = "document." . $PA['formName'] . "['" . $PA['itemName'] . "'].value--; " . $commonJavascriptCalls; $output .= '-'; $output .= '
'; return $output; } First the HTML code of the field itself is manipulated, by adding a div tag around it. Notice how all you need to do is to change the value of :code:`$PA['item']` since that value is passed by reference to the function and therefore doesn't need a return value - only to be changed. In that div, we use the color received as parameter. After that we create the JavaScript and the links for both the "+" and "-" buttons and we return the resulting HTML code. Note that the :code:`$PA` contains important JavaScript code to use. This code marks the field on which the wizard acted as changed and updates the value in the corresponding hidden field. Use the :code:`debug()` function to find more about what is available in the :code:`$PA` array. .. _wizards-configuration-examples-suggest: Add a suggest wizard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As an example, let's look at the suggest wizard setup for the "related_record" field of the "haiku" table. The wizard looks like this: .. figure:: ../../Images/WizardsExamplesSuggest.png :alt: The suggest wizard The suggest wizard next to the record selector And here's the wizard in action: .. figure:: ../../Images/WizardsExamplesSuggestExpanded.png :alt: The suggest wizard in action The suggest wizard shows suggestions This is the corresponding TCA configuration: .. code-block:: php 'related_records' => array( 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.related_records', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'internal_type' => 'db', 'allowed' => 'pages, tt_content', ... 'wizards' => array( 'suggest' => array( 'type' => 'suggest', 'default' => array( 'searchWholePhrase' => 1 ), 'pages' => array( 'searchCondition' => 'doktype = 1' ) ) ) ) ) The tables that are queried are the ones used in the :code:`allowed` property, i.e. the "pages" and "tt_content" tables. The wizard can be configured differently for each of these tables. The settings in "default" is applied to all tables. In the example above, there's a special setting for the "pages" table to search only standard pages. .. _wizards-configuration-examples-slider: Add a slider wizard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "haiku" table in the "examples" extension implements a slider wizard for the "Angle" field. The field configuration looks like this: .. code-block:: php 'angle' => array( 'exclude' => 0, 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_examples_haiku.angle', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'input', 'size' => 5, 'eval' => 'trim,int', 'range' => array( 'lower' => -90, 'upper' => 90 ), 'default' => 0, 'wizards' => array( 'angle' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'step' => 10, 'width' => 200 ) ) ) ), Note the range which defines the possible values as varying from -90 to 90. With the step property we indicate that we want to progress by increments of 10. The slider wizard is rendered like this: .. figure:: ../../Images/WizardsExamplesSlider.png :alt: The slider wizard The slider wizard next to the input field