.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-none: TYPE: "none" ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This type will just show the value of the field in the backend. The field is not editable. .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _columns-none-properties: Properties """""""""" .. container:: ts-properties ================ ========= Property Data Type ================ ========= `cols`_ integer `fixedRows`_ boolean `format`_ string `pass\_content`_ boolean `rows`_ integer `size`_ integer `type`_ string ================ ========= Property details """""""""""""""" .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. _columns-none-properties-type: type ~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key type Datatype string Description *[Must be set to "none"]* .. _columns-none-properties-format: format ~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key format Datatype string (keyword) + array Description The value of a none-type fields is normally displayed as is. It is however possible to format it using this property. The following keywords are available, some having sub-properties. Sub-properties are called with the :code:`format.` keyword (note the trailing dot), which is itself an array. date Formats the value of the field as a date. The default formatting uses PHP's :code:`date()` function and :code:`d-m-Y` as a format. Possible options are: strftime *(boolean)* If true, :code:`strftime()` is used instead :code:`date()` for formatting. option *(string)* Format string (i.e. :code:`Y-m-d` or :code:`%x`, etc.). appendAge *(boolean)* If true, the age of the value is appended is appended to the formatted output. datetime Formats the values using PHP's :code:`date()` function and :code:`H:i d-m-Y` as a format. time Formats the values using PHP's :code:`date()` function and :code:`H:i` as a format. timesec Formats the values using PHP's :code:`date()` function and :code:`H:i:s` as a format. year Formats the values using PHP's :code:`date()` function and :code:`Y` as a format. int Formats the values as an integer using PHP's :code:`sprintf()` in various bases. The default base is decimal (:code:`dec`). The base is defined as an option: base *(string)* Defines the base of the value. Possible bases are "dec", "hex", "HEX", "oct" and "bin". float Formats the values as an real number using PHP's :code:`sprintf()` and the :code:`%f` marker. The number of decimals is an option: precision *(integer)* Defines the number of decimals to use (maximum is 10, default is 2). number Formats the values as a number using PHP's :code:`sprintf()`. The format to use is an option: option *(string)* A format definition according to PHP's :code:`sprintf()` function (`see the reference `_). md5 Returns the md5 hash of the values. filesize Formats the values as file size using :code:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::formatSize()`. One option exists: appendByteSize *(boolean)* If true, the original value is appended to the formatted string (between brackets). user Calls a user-defined function to format the values. The only option is the reference to the function: userFunc *(string)* Reference to the user-defined function. The function receives the field configuration and the field's value as parameters. **Examples** .. code-block:: php 'format' => 'date' 'format.' => array( 'strftime' => TRUE, 'option' => '%x' ) 'eval' => 'double2' 'format' => 'float' 'format.' => array( 'precision' => 8 ) .. _columns-none-properties-pass-content: pass\_content ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key pass\_content Datatype boolean Description If set, then content from the field is directly outputted in the :code:`
` section. Otherwise the content will be passed through :code:`htmlspecialchars()` and possibly :code:`nl2br()` if there is configuration for rows. Be careful to set this flag since it allows HTML from the field to be outputted on the page, thereby creating the possibility of XSS security holes. .. _columns-none-properties-rows: rows ~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key rows Datatype integer Description If this value is greater than 1 the display of the non-editable content will be shown in a :code:`
` area trying to simulate the rows/columns known from a :ref:`text-type element `. .. _columns-none-properties-cols: cols ~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key cols Datatype integer Description See :ref:`rows ` and :ref:`size `. .. _columns-none-properties-fixedrows: fixedRows ~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key fixedRows Datatype boolean Description If this is set the :code:`
` element will not automatically try to fit the content length but rather respect the size selected by the value of the :ref:`rows ` key. .. _columns-none-properties-size: size ~~~~ .. container:: table-row Key size Datatype integer Description If rows is less than one, the :ref:`cols ` value is used to set the width of the field and if :code:`cols` is not found, then :ref:`size ` is used to set the width. The measurements corresponds to those of :ref:`input ` and :ref:`text ` type fields.