.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-select-properties-filefolder: .. _columns-select-properties-fileFolderConfig: ================ fileFolderConfig ================ .. _columns-select-properties-fileFolderConfig.folder: .. confval:: fileFolderConfig[folder] :name: select-fileFolderConfig-folder :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: string :Scope: Display / Proc. :RenderType: all Specifying a folder from where files are added to the item array. Specify the folder relative to the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment::getPublicPath()`. See :ref:`t3coreapi:Environment-public-path` . Alternatively use the prefix "EXT:" to point to an extension folder. Files from the folder are selected recursively to the level specified by :ref:`fileFolderConfig.depth ` and only files of the extensions defined by :ref:`fileFolderConfig.allowedExtensions ` are listed in the select box. Only the file reference relative to the "fileFolderConfig.folder" is stored. If the files are images (gif,png,jpg) they will be configured as icons (third parameter in items array). This configuration can be overridden by :ref:`Page TSconfig`. .. _columns-select-properties-filefolder-extlist: .. _columns-select-properties-fileFolderConfig-allowedExtensions: .. confval:: fileFolderConfig[allowedExtensions] :name: select-fileFolderConfig-allowedExtensions :type: string :Scope: Display / Proc. :RenderType: all List of file extensions to select. If blank, all files are selected. Specify list in lowercase. This configuration can be overridden by :ref:`Page TSconfig`. .. _columns-select-properties-filefolder-recursions: .. _columns-select-properties-fileFolderConfig-depth: .. confval:: fileFolderConfig[depth] :name: select-fileFolderConfig-depth :type: integer :Scope: Display / Proc. :RenderType: all Depth of directory recursions. Default is 99. Specify in range from 0-99. 0 (zero) means no recursion into subdirectories. Only useful in combination with property :ref:`fileFolderConfig.folder `. This configuration can be overridden by :ref:`Page TSconfig`. Examples ======== .. _tca_example_select_single_7: Select SVGs recursively from a folder ------------------------------------- .. include:: /Images/Rst/SelectSingle7.rst.txt .. include:: /CodeSnippets/SelectSingle7.rst.txt