.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-none-properties-pass-content: ============= pass\_content ============= .. deprecated:: 12.2 Instances with field configs for :php:`type="none"` having key :php:`pass_content` will trigger a deprecation warning during TCA cache warmup. The option will be removed with TYPO3 v13. .. confval:: pass_content :name: none-pass-content :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: boolean :Scope: Display If set, then content from the field is directly outputted in the :code:`` section as value attribute. Otherwise, the content will be passed through :code:`htmlspecialchars()`. Be careful to set this flag since it allows HTML from the field to be outputted on the page, thereby creating the possibility of XSS security holes.