.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _columns-select-properties-multiselectfilteritems: ====================== multiSelectFilterItems ====================== .. confval:: multiSelectFilterItems :name: select-multiSelectFilterItems :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'] :type: array :Scope: Display :RenderType: :ref:`selectMultipleSideBySide ` Contains predefined elements for the filter field. On selecting an item, the list of available items gets automatically filtered. Each element in this array is in itself an array where: * First value is the **filter value of the item** . * Second value is the **item label** (string or LLL reference) Examples ======== Select by predefined keywords ----------------------------- .. include:: /Images/Rst/SelectMultiplesidebyside5.rst.txt .. include:: /CodeSnippets/SelectMultiplesidebyside5.rst.txt