.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _ctrl-reference-label-userfunc: =============== label\_userFunc =============== .. confval:: label_userFunc :name: ctrl-label-userFunc :Path: $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'] :type: string :Scope: Display Function or method reference. This can be used whenever the label or :ref:`label_alt ` options don't offer enough flexibility, e.g. when you want to look up another table to create your label. The result of this function overrules the :ref:`label `, :ref:`label_alt ` and :ref:`label_alt_force ` settings. When calling a method from a class, enter :php:`[classname]->[methodname]`. The passed argument is an array which contains the following information about the record for which to get the title:: $params['table'] = $table; $params['row'] = $row; The resulting title must be written to $params['title'], which is passed by reference. .. warning:: The title is passed later on through :code:`htmlspecialchars()` so it may not include any HTML formatting. Example ======= Let's look at what is done for the "haiku" table of the "examples" extension. The call to the user function appears in the :file:`EXT:examples/Configuration/TCA/tx_examples_haiku.php` file:: 'ctrl' => [ 'label' => 'title', 'label_userFunc' => \Documentation\Examples\Userfuncs\Tca::class . '->haikuTitle', ], Class :code:`Documentation\Examples\Userfuncs\Tca` contains the code itself:: public function haikuTitle(&$parameters) { $record = BackendUtility::getRecord($parameters['table'], $parameters['row']['uid']); $newTitle = $record['title']; $newTitle .= ' (' . substr(strip_tags($record['poem']), 0, 10) . '...)'; $parameters['title'] = $newTitle; } .. _ctrl-reference-label-userfunc-options: label\_userFunc\_options ======================== .. confval:: label_userFunc_options :type: array :Scope: Display Options for :ref:`label_userFunc `. The array of options is passed to the user function in the parameters array with key "options". .. note:: When the :code:`label_userFunc` is used for inline (IRRE) elements, the options are **not** passed. If you need options use :ref:`formattedLabel_userFunc ` instead.