.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _conditions: Conditions ---------- It is possible to use TypoScript conditions in both User TSconfig and Page TSconfig, just as it is done in TypoScript for templates. .. _conditions-example: Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: typoscript [treeLevel = 1] TCEFORM.tt_content.section_frame.disabled = 1 [GLOBAL] The above TSconfig will hide the "section\_frame" field of content elements only on the first level of the page tree. .. _differences: Differences to conditions in TypoScript templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are some slight differences between conditions in TSconfig and conditions in TypoScript templates, which must be taken into account: - Conditions "usergroup" and "loginUser" apply to BE groups and BE users – respectively – and not to FE groups and FE users, quite obviously. - In the "globalString" condition, key "TSFE:" will not work because the TSFE global object only exists in the FE context. The "LIT:" key will not work either as it is used to compare TypoScript constants, which are not available in the BE context. - Note that conditions such as "PIDupinRootline" or "treeLevel" will apply correctly to pages that are being created but are not yet saved. - You *can* use custom conditions, though. ``[BigCompanyName\TypoScriptLovePackage\MyCustomTypoScriptCondition = 7]`` Furthermore the following condition is available **only** in TSconfig: .. _adminuser: adminUser """"""""" Syntax: ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: typoscript [adminUser = 0/1] Comparison '''''''''' Checks whether the current BE user has admin rights or not. Value is 1 if the user is an admin, 0 if he is not. Example: ~~~~~~~~ The following condition will apply only if the BE user is an admin. .. code-block:: typoscript [adminUser = 1] .. _references: References ^^^^^^^^^^ For a general discussion about TypoScript conditions, please refer to :doc:`TypoScript Syntax and In-depth Study `. For a list of available conditions, please refer to the :doc:`TypoScript Reference `.