.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _pagemod: ->MOD ^^^^^ Configuration for backend modules. Generally the syntax is *[module\_name].[property]*. .. _pageblindingfunctionmenuoptions: Blinding Function Menu options in Backend Modules """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Most of the modules in TYPO3 have a "function menu" selector box and this menu is usually configurable so you are able to remove menu items in specific sections of the page tree (or by overriding via User TSconfig, you could disable an option totally for a specific user/group). In this case the main menu of the Web > Info module looks like this: .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuInfoModule.png :alt: The function menu of the Web > Info module Function menu in the Web > Info module for the Introduction Package By adding this Page TSconfig we can remove the "Page TSconfig" item .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_info.menu.function { TYPO3\CMS\InfoPagetsconfig\Controller\InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController = 0 } so that we now have: .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuInfoModuleBlindedOption.png :alt: The function menu of the Web > Info module with blinded option Function menu in the Web > Info module without the Page TSconfig item The "Page TSconfig" item is simply disabled by setting this Page TSconfig. All you need to know in order to disable function menu items in the backend modules is *which* modules support it and what the *key* of the menu item is. The modules which support this feature are listed below. The function menu item keys may change over time. Furthermore it is impossible to create a complete list of them, since items may be added by extensions. As such, the best way to find the list of existing function menu item keys is to use the **SYSTEM > Configuration** module, in the *$GLOBALS['TBE\_MODULES\_EXT'] (BE Modules Extensions)* view. This will show you a tree like this: .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuKeysList.png :alt: List of function keys Viewing the list of function keys using the Configuration module To blind the menu items just copy the keys and set the values as described in the relevant module descriptions below. .. warning:: Blinding Function Menu items is not hardcore access control! All it does is hide the possibility of accessing that module functionality from the interface. It might be possible for users to hack their way around it and access the functionality anyways. You should use the option of blinding elements mostly to remove otherwise distracting options. .. _pageblindingfunctionmenuoptions-weblayout: web\_layout.menu.function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the function menu of the **WEB > Page** module. .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuPageModule.png :alt: The function menu of the Page module The default options of the Page module function menu For this module the function keys are simple numerical: - "0" for QuickEdit - "1" for Columns - "2" for Languages In order to blind them, the following TSconfig would be used: .. code-block:: typoscript # Disables all items except the "Columns" item: mod.web_layout.menu.function { 0 = 0 2 = 0 } .. _pageblindingfunctionmenuoptions-webinfo: web\_info.menu.function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the function menu of the **WEB > Info** module. .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuInfoModule.png :alt: The function menu of the Info module The default options of the Info module function menu .. code-block:: typoscript # Disables the item "Page Tsconfig": mod.web_info.menu.function { TYPO3\CMS\InfoPagetsconfig\Controller\InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController = 0 } .. _pageblindingfunctionmenuoptions-webfunc: web\_func.menu.function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the function menu of the **WEB > Functions** module. .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuFunctionsModule.png :alt: The function menu of the Functions module The default options of the Functions module function menu .. code-block:: typoscript # Disables the item "Sort pages": mod.web_func.menu.function { TYPO3\CMS\WizardSortpages\View\SortPagesWizardModuleFunction = 0 } .. _pageblindingfunctionmenuoptions-webts: web\_ts.menu.function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the function menu of the **WEB > Template** module. .. figure:: ../../Images/FunctionMenuTemplateModule.png :alt: The function menu of the Template module The default options of the Template module function menu .. code-block:: typoscript # Disables the item "Template Analyzer": mod.web_ts.menu.function { TYPO3\CMS\Tstemplate\Controller\TemplateAnalyzerModuleFunctionController = 0 } .. _pageoverridingpagetsconfigwithusertsconfig: Overriding Page TSconfig with User TSconfig """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In all standard modules the Page TSconfig values of the "mod." branch may be overridden by the same branch of values set for the backend user. To illustrate this feature let's consider the case from above where a menu item in the Web > Info module was disabled in the Page TSconfig with this value .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_info.menu.function { tsconf = 0 } If however we activate this configuration in the TSconfig of a certain backend user (e.g. the admin user), that user would still be able to select this menu item because the value of his User TSconfig overrides the same value set in the Page TSconfig .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_info.menu.function { tsconf = 1 } .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_m6b2884ce.png :alt: Example 1: Overriding the Page TSconfig menu function Here is another example: The value of 'mod.web\_layout.editFieldsAtATime' has been set to '1' in Page TSconfig. Additionally it is also set in the User TSconfig of the user, who is currently logged in, but there to the value '5'. The upper image shows you how to check the Page TSconfig. In the lower image you see the result of this user's User TSconfig: It overrides the Page TSconfig and alters the configuration: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_748558d0.png :alt: Example 2: Overriding the Page TSconfig menu function .. _pagesharedotionsformodules: Shared options for modules (mod.SHARED) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property colPos\_list Data type *(list of integers)* Description This option lets you specify which columns of tt\_content elements should be displayed in the 'Columns' view of the modules, in particular Web > Page. By default there are four columns, Left, Normal, Right, Border. However most websites use only the Normal column, maybe another also. In that case the remaining columns are not needed. By this option you can specify exactly which of the columns you want to display. If used on top of Backend Layouts, this setting controls which columns are editable. Columns configured in the Backend Layout which are not listed here, will be displayed with placeholder area. Each column has a number which ultimately comes from the configuration of the table tt\_content, field 'colPos' found in the tables.php file. These are the values of the four default columns used in the default Backend Layout: Left: 1 Normal: 0 Right: 2 Border: 3 **Example:** This results in only the Normal and Border column being displayed .. code-block:: typoscript mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0,3 .. note:: Since TYPO3 6.0 mod.SHARED.colPos_list was no longer working. Use Backend Layouts instead. In TYPO3 CMS 6.2, this setting was reintroduced and affects Backend Layouts. .. _example_for_backend_layout: **Example for a Backend Layout** * Create a record of type "Backend Layout" (e.g. in the root page of your website). * Add a title (e.g. My Layout). * Add in field "Config" the following configuration: .. tip:: You can use the wizard next to the configuration field as a help. .. code-block:: typoscript backend_layout { colCount = 2 rowCount = 1 rows { 1 { columns { 1 { name = Left colPos = 1 } 2 { name = Content colPos = 0 } } } } } * Click on the root page of your website. * Click Page Properties > Appearance. * Select the new Backend Layout for this page and for the subpages. This way the new Backend Layout will be preselected for all subpages (also for new ones). * Now the columns with colPos=1 and colPos=0 are displayed, labeled with "Left" and "Content". .. figure:: ../../Images/simpleBackendLayout.png :alt: A simple Backend Layout Default 1,0,2,3 .. container:: table-row Property defaultLanguageLabel Data type string Description Alternative label for "Default" when language labels are shown in the interface. Used in Web > List, Web > Page and TemplaVoilà page module. .. container:: table-row Property defaultLanguageFlag Data type string Description Filename of the file with the flag icon for the default language. Do not use the complete filename, but only the name without dot and extension. The file is taken from :file:`typo3/sysext/t3skin/images/flags/`. Used in Web > List and TemplaVoilà page module. **Example:** This will show the German flag. .. code-block:: typoscript mod.SHARED { defaultLanguageFlag = de defaultLanguageLabel = deutsch } .. tip:: You can specify "multiple" for the multi-language flag. In general: Use the "Select flag icon" selector of a language record in the backend to find out what names are available. .. figure:: ../../Images/SelectFlagIcon.png The flag selector of a language record in the backend - a handy way to find out what flag names are available .. note:: Use the file name without dot and extension. .. container:: table-row Property disableLanguages Data type string Description Comma-separated list of language UID which will be disabled in the given page tree. .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [page:mod.SHARED; beuser:mod.SHARED] .. _pagewebpage: Web > Page (mod.web\_layout) """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property allowInconsistentLanguageHandling Data type *boolean* Description By default, TYPO3 will not allow you to mix translated content and independent content in the page module. Content elements violating this behavior will be marked in the Page Module and there is no UI control allowing you to create independent content elements in a given language. If you want to go back to the old, inconsistent behavior, you can toggle it back on via this switch. **Example:** Allows to set TYPO3s page module back to inconsistent language mode .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_layout.allowInconsistentLanguageHandling = 1 .. container:: table-row Property tt\_content.colPos\_list Data type *(list of integers)* Description See mod.SHARED.colPos\_list for details. If non-blank, this list will override the one set by mod.SHARED.colPos\_list. **Example:** This results in only the Normal and Border column being displayed .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_layout.tt_content.colPos_list = 0,3 .. container:: table-row Property editFieldsAtATime Data type positive integer Description Specifies the number of subsequent content elements to load in the edit form when clicking the edit icon of a content element in the 'Columns' view of the module. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_layout { editFieldsAtATime = 2 } Default 1 .. container:: table-row Property noCreateRecordsLink Data type boolean Description If set, the link in the bottom of the page, "Create new record", is hidden. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property QEisDefault Data type boolean Description If set, then the QuickEditor is the first element in the Function Menu in the top of the menu in Web > Page Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property disableSearchBox Data type boolean Description Disables the search box in Columns view. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property disableAdvanced Data type boolean Description Disables the clear cache advanced function in the bottom of the page in the module, including the "Create new record" link. As well removes the "Clear cache for this page" icon in the right top of the page module. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property disableNewContentElementWizard Data type boolean Description Disables the fact that the new-content-element icons links to the content element wizard and not directly to a blank "NEW" form. .. container:: table-row Property defaultLanguageLabel Data type string Description Alternative label for "Default" when language labels are shown in the interface. Overrides the same property from mod.SHARED if set. .. container:: table-row Property defLangBinding Data type boolean Description If set, translations of content elements are bound to the default record in the display. This means that within each column with content elements any translation found for exactly the shown default content element will be shown in the language column next to. This display mode should be used depending on how the frontend is configured to display localization. The frontend must display localized pages by selecting the default content elements and for each one overlay with a possible translation if found. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property disableIconToolbar Data type boolean Description Disables the topmost icon toolbar with the "view"-Icon and the icon toolbar below. .. container:: table-row Property BackendLayouts Data type array Description Define backend layouts without database records. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_layout.BackendLayouts { exampleKey { title = Example config { backend_layout { colCount = 1 rowCount = 2 rows { 1 { columns { 1 { name = LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:colPos.I.3 colPos = 3 colspan = 1 } } } 2 { columns { 1 { name = Main colPos = 0 colspan = 1 } } } } } } icon = EXT:example_extension/Resources/Public/Images/BackendLayouts/default.gif } } .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [page:mod.web\_layout; beuser:mod.web\_layout] .. _pageweblist: Web > List (mod.web\_list) """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property noCreateRecordsLink Data type boolean Description If set, the link in the bottom of the page, "Create new record", is hidden. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list { noCreateRecordsLink = 1 } Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property disableSingleTableView Data type boolean Description If set, then the links on the table titles which shows a single table listing only will not be available (including sorting links on columns titles, because these links jumps to the table-only view). .. container:: table-row Property listOnlyInSingleTableView Data type boolean Description If set, the default view will not show the single records inside a table anymore, but only the available tables and the number of records in these tables. The individual records will only be listed in the single table view, that means when a table has been clicked. This is very practical for pages containing many records from many tables! **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list { listOnlyInSingleTableView = 1 } The result will be that records from tables are only listed in the single-table mode: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_165a5551.png :alt: The list module after activating the single-table mode Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property noExportRecordsLinks Data type boolean Description If set, the "Export" and "Download CSV file" buttons are hidden in single table view inside the list module. This option is for example important to disable batch download of sensitive data via csv or t3d exports. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list { noExportRecordsLinks = 1 } The buttons "Export" and "Download CSV file" are hidden in single table view inside the list module: .. figure:: ../../Images/listModuleWithoutExportButtons.png :alt: The list module without export buttons after activating the single-table mode Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property itemsLimitSingleTable Data type positive integer Description Set the default maximum number of items to show in single table view. Default 100 .. container:: table-row Property itemsLimitPerTable Data type positive integer Description Set the default maximum number of items to show per table. Default 20 .. container:: table-row Property noViewWithDokTypes Data type string Description Hide view icon for the defined doktypes (comma-separated) Default 254,255 .. container:: table-row Property hideTables Data type *(list of table names)* Description Hide these tables in record listings (comma-separated) .. container:: table-row Property table.[*table name*].hideTable Data type boolean Description If set to non-zero, the table is hidden. If it is zero, table is shown no matter if table name is listed in "hideTables" list. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list.table.tt_content.hideTable = 1 .. container:: table-row Property hideTranslations Data type *(list of table names)* Description For tables in this list all their records in additional website languages will be hidden in the List module. Only records in default website languages are visible. Use "\*" to hide all records of additional website languages in all tables or choose tables by comma-separated list. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list.hideTranslations = * or .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list.hideTranslations = tt_content,tt_news .. container:: table-row Property disableSearchBox Data type boolean Description Disables the search box located below the clipboard Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property allowedNewTables Data type *(list of table names)* Description If this list is set, then only tables listed here will have a link to "create new" in the page and subpages. This also affects the display of "Create new record", typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Controller/NewRecordController.php. .. note:: Technically records can be created (e.g. by copying/moving), so this is "pseudo security". The point is to reduce the number of options for new records visually. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list { allowedNewTables = pages, tt_news } Only pages and tt\_news table elements will be linked to in the New record screen: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_6d60e8b.png :alt: The New record screen after modifying the allowed elements .. container:: table-row Property deniedNewTables Data type *(list of table names)* Description If this list is set, then the tables listed here won't have a link to "create news" in the page and subpages. This also affects "BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('db_new')" (the display of "Create new record"). This is the opposite of the previous property "allowedNewTables". If allowedNewTables and deniedNewTables contain a common subset, deniedNewTables takes precedence. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list { deniedNewTables = tt_news,tt_content } .. container:: table-row Property newWizards Data type boolean Description If set, then the new-link over the control panel of the pages and tt\_content listings in the List module will link to the wizards and not create a record in the top of the list. .. container:: table-row Property showClipControlPanelsDespiteOfCMlayers Data type boolean Description If set, then the control- and clipboard panels of the module is shown even if the context-popups (ClickMenu) are available. Normally the control- and clipboard panels are disabled (unless extended mode is set) in order to save bandwidth. .. container:: table-row Property enableDisplayBigControlPanel Data type *(list of keywords)* Description Determines whether the checkbox "Extended view" in the list module is shown or hidden. If it is hidden, you can predefine it to be always activated or always deactivated. .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_74103dfb.png :alt: "Extended view" is shown in the list module The following values are possible: - activated: The option is activated and the checkbox is hidden. - deactivated: The option is deactivated and the checkbox is hidden. - selectable: The checkbox is shown so that the option can be selected by the user. Default selectable .. container:: table-row Property enableClipBoard Data type *(list of keywords)* Description Determines whether the checkbox "Show clipboard" in the list module is shown or hidden. If it is hidden, you can predefine it to be always activated or always deactivated. The following values are possible: - activated: The option is activated and the checkbox is hidden. - deactivated: The option is deactivated and the checkbox is hidden. - selectable: The checkbox is shown so that the option can be selected by the user. Default selectable .. container:: table-row Property enableLocalizationView Data type *(list of keywords)* Description Determines whether the checkbox "Localization view" in the list module is shown or hidden. If it is hidden, you can predefine it to be always activated or always deactivated. The following values are possible: - activated: The option is activated and the checkbox is hidden. - deactivated: The option is deactivated and the checkbox is hidden. - selectable: The checkbox is shown so that the option can be selected by the user. Default selectable .. container:: table-row Property newPageWizard.override newContentElementWizard.override Data type string Description If set to an extension key, (e.g. "templavoila"), then the specified module or route will be used for creating new elements on the page. "newContentElementWizard" will likewise use the defined module or route for creating new content elements. Also see "options.overridePageModule". **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.newContentElementWizard.override = my_custom_module mod.newContentElementWizard.override = my_module_route .. container:: table-row Property clickTitleMode Data type string Description Keyword which defines what happens when a user clicks the title in the list. Keywords: **edit** = Edits record **info** = Shows information **show** = Shows page/content element in frontend Default edit .. container:: table-row Property tableDisplayOrder.[*table name*] Data type array Description Flexible configuration of the order in which tables are displayed. The keywords ``before`` and ``after`` can be used to specify an order relative to other table names. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_list.tableDisplayOrder. { before = , , ... after = , , ... } .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [page:mod.web\_list; beuser:mod.web\_list] .. _pagewebview: Web > View (mod.web\_view) """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property type Data type positive integer Description Enter the value of the &type parameter passed to the webpage. **Example:** By this configuration frontend pages will be shown with "index.php?id=123&type=1" from the Web > View module .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_view { type = 1 } .. container:: table-row Property previewFrameWidths Data type positive integer Description Enter value for frame width and any LLL or string for label **Example:** With this configuration a new frame sizes with 500px x 300px labeled myPreview will be added in the dropdown menu Width inside Web > View module .. code-block:: typoscript mod.web_view.previewFrameWidths { 300.label = myPreview 300.height = 500 } .. figure:: ../../Images/WebViewTSConfigPreview.png :alt: Dropdown menu Width with added frame size called myPreview .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [page:mod.web\_view; beuser:mod.web\_view] Wizards (mod.wizards) """"""""""""""""""""" Wizards make it possible to customize the new record wizard or the new content element wizard, for example. .. _pagewebrecordwizard: New record wizard (mod.wizards.newRecord) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property pages Data type boolean Description Use the following sub-properties to show or hide the specified links. **Available sub-properties:** show.pageAfter Show or hide the link to create new pages after the selected page. show.pageInside Show or hide the link to create new pages inside the selected page. show.pageSelectPosition Show or hide the link to create new pages at a selected position. Setting any of these properties to 0 will hide the corresponding link, but setting to 1 will leave it visible. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.wizards.newRecord.pages.show { pageInside = 0 } Hides the "Page (inside)" link. .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_44865d7b.png :alt: The modified New record screen without Page (inside) Default 1 .. container:: table-row Property order Data type *(list of values)* Description Define an alternate order for the groups of records in the new records wizard. Pages and content elements will always be on top, but the order of other record groups can be changed. Records are grouped by extension keys, plus the special key "system" for records provided by the TYPO3 Core. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript mod.wizards.newRecord.order = tt_news This places the tt\_news group at the top (after pages and content elements). The other groups follow unchanged: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_1c6e46bb.png :alt: The position of News changed after modifying the New record screen .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [page:mod.wizards.newRecord; beuser:page.mod.wizards.newRecord] .. _pagenewcontentelementwizard: New content element wizard (mod.wizards.newContentElement) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group] Data type array Description In the new content element wizard, content element types are grouped together by type. Each such group can be configured independently. The four default groups are: "common", "special", "forms" and "plugins". The configuration options below apply to any group. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].header Data type string (localized) Description Name of the group. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].show Data type string Description Comma-separated list of items to show in the group. Use "\*" to show all. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript # Hide bulletList mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common.show := removeFromList(bullets) # Only show text and textpic in common mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common.show = text,textpic .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].elements Data type array Description List of items in the group. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].elements.[name] Data type array Description Configuration for a single item. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].elements.[name].iconIdentifier Data type string Description The icon identifier of the icon you want to display. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].elements.[name].title Data type string (localized) Description Name of the item. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].elements.[name].description Data type string (localized) Description Description text for the item. .. container:: table-row Property wizardItems.[group].elements.[name].tt\_content\_defValues Data type array Description Default values for tt\_content fields. .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [page:mod.wizards.newContentElement; beuser:mod.wizards.newContentElement] .. _pageexample1: Example 1: ~~~~~~~~~~ Add a new element (header) to the "common" group .. code-block:: typoscript mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common.elements.header { icon = gfx/c_wiz/regular_text.gif title = Header description = Adds a header element only tt_content_defValues { CType = header } } mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common.show := addToList(header) .. _pageexample2: Example 2: ~~~~~~~~~~ Create a new group and add a (pre-filled) element to it .. code-block:: typoscript mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.myGroup { header = LLL:EXT:cms/layout/locallang.xlf:advancedFunctions elements.customText { icon = gfx/c_wiz/regular_text.gif title = Introductory text for national startpage description = Use this element for all national startpages tt_content_defValues { CType = text bodytext (

Section Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, sadipisci velit ...

) header = Section Header header_layout = 100 } } } mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.myGroup.show = customText This will add the following at the bottom of the new content element wizard: .. figure:: ../../Images/manual_html_73b37d4e.png :alt: Added entry in the new content element wizard