.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor: ============================ CommaSeparatedValueProcessor ============================ The :php:`CommaSeparatedValueProcessor` allows to split values into a two-dimensional array used for :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated values)` files or :sql:`tt_content` records of CType `table`. The table data is transformed to a multi-dimensional array, taking the delimiter and enclosure into account, before it is passed to the view. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-options: Options: ======== .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-if: if -- .. confval:: if :name: CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-if :Required: false :type: :ref:`if` condition :Default: '' If the condition is met, the data processor is processed. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-fieldName: fieldName --------- .. confval:: fieldName :name: CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-fieldName :Required: true :type: :ref:`data-type-string` / :ref:`stdWrap` :Default: '' Name of the field in the processed ContentObjectRenderer. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-as: as -- .. confval:: as :name: CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-as :Required: false :type: :ref:`data-type-string` :Default: defaults to the fieldName The variable's name to be used in the Fluid template. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-maximumColumns: maximumColumns -------------- .. confval:: maximumColumns :name: CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-maximumColumns :Required: false :type: :ref:`data-type-integer` / :ref:`stdWrap` :Default: :typoscript:`0` Maximal number of columns to be transformed. Surplus columns will be silently dropped. When set to :typoscript:`0` (default) all columns will be transformed. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-fieldDelimiter: fieldDelimiter -------------- .. confval:: fieldDelimiter :name: CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-fieldDelimiter :Required: false :type: :ref:`data-type-string` / :ref:`stdWrap` :Default: :typoscript:`,` The field delimiter, a character separating the values. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-fieldEnclosure: fieldEnclosure -------------- .. confval:: fieldEnclosure :name: CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-fieldEnclosure :Required: false :type: :ref:`data-type-string` / :ref:`stdWrap` :Default: :typoscript:`"` The field enclosure, a character surrounding the values. .. _CommaSeparatedValueProcessor-examples: Example: Transforming comma separated content into a html table =============================================================== Please see also :ref:`dataProcessing-about-examples`. In this example, the :php:`bodytext` field contains comma-separated values (CSV) data. To support different formats, the separator between the values can be specified. This example is also described in-depth in :ref:`TYPO3 Explained: Extended content element example `. Example data in the field :php:`bodytext` ----------------------------------------- Field :sql:`bodytext` in table :sql:`tt_content`: .. code-block:: text "This is row 1 column 1","This is row 1 column 2","This is row 1 column 3" "This is row 2 column 1","This is row 2 column 2","This is row 2 column 3" "This is row 3 column 1","This is row 3 column 2","This is row 3 column 3" TypoScript ---------- We define the :typoscript:`dataProcessing` property to use the :php:`CommaSeparatedValueProcessor`: .. include:: /CodeSnippets/DataProcessing/TypoScript/CommaSeparatedValueProcessor.rst.txt .. versionadded:: 12.1 One can use the alias :typoscript:`comma-separated-value` instead of the fully-qualified class name :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\CommaSeparatedValueProcessor`. The Fluid template ------------------ In the Fluid template, you can iterate over the processed data. "myContentTable" can be used as a variable :html:`{myContentTable}` inside Fluid for iteration. .. include:: /CodeSnippets/DataProcessing/Template/DataProcCsv.rst.txt Output ------ Using :typoscript:`maximumColumns` limits the amount of columns in the multi dimensional array. In this example, the field data of the last column will be stripped off. Therefore the output would be: .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/DataProcessing/CommaSeparatedValueProcessor.rst.txt