.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _cobj-imgtext: IMGTEXT ^^^^^^^ This object is designed to align images and text. This is normally used to render text/picture records from the tt\_content table. The image(s) are placed in a table and the table is placed before, after or left/right relative to the text. See code examples. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property text Data type :ref:`->CARRAY ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Use this to import / generate the content, that should flow around the image block. .. container:: table-row Property textPos Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Text position: bit[0-2]: 000 = center, 001 = right, 010 = left bit[3-5]: 000 = over, 001 = under, 010 text 0 - Above: Centre 1 - Above: Right 2 - Above: Left 8 - Below: Centre 9 - Below: Right 10 - Below: Left 17 - In Text: Right 18 - In Text: Left 25 - In Text: Right (no wrap) 26 - In Text: Left (no wrap) .. container:: table-row Property textMargin Data type :ref:`pixels ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Margin between the image and the content. .. container:: table-row Property textMargin\_outOfText Data type boolean Description If set, the textMargin space will still be inserted even if the image is placed above or below the text. This flag is only for a kind of backwards compatibility because this "feature" was recently considered a bug and thus corrected. So if anyone has depended on this way things are done, you can compensate with this flag. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property imgList Data type *list of image files* /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description List of images from ".imgPath". **Example:** This imports the list of images from tt\_content's image-field. :: imgList.field = image .. container:: table-row Property imgPath Data type path /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Path to the images. **Example:** "uploads/pics/" .. container:: table-row Property imgMax Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Maximum number of images. .. container:: table-row Property imgStart Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Start with image-number ".imgStart". .. container:: table-row Property imgObjNum Data type *imgObjNum* :ref:`+optionSplit ` Description Here you define, which :ref:`IMAGE ` cObjects from the array "1,2,3,4..." in this object that should render the images. "current" is set to the image filename. **Example:** :: imgObjNum = 1 |*||*| 2 This would render the first two images with "1. ..." and the last image with "2. ...", provided that the ".imgList" contains 3 images. .. container:: table-row Property 1,2,3,4 Data type :ref:`->IMAGE ` (cObject) Description Rendering of the images. The register "IMAGE\_NUM" is set with the number of image being rendered for each rendering of an image object. Starting with zero. The image object should not be of type :ref:`GIFBUILDER `! **Important:** "file.import.current = 1" fetches the name of the images! .. container:: table-row Property caption Data type :ref:`->CARRAY ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Caption. .. container:: table-row Property captionAlign Data type :ref:`align ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Caption alignment. Default default = ".textPos" .. container:: table-row Property captionSplit Data type boolean Description If this is set, the caption text is split by the character (or string) from ".token", and every item is displayed under an image each in the image block. .token = (string /:ref:`stdWrap `) Character to split the caption elements (default is chr(10)) .cObject = cObject, used to fetch the caption for the split .stdWrap = stdWrap properties used to render the caption. .. container:: table-row Property altText titleText Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Default altText/titleText if no alternatives are provided by the :ref:`->IMAGE ` cObjects. If alttext is not specified, an empty alttext will be used. .. container:: table-row Property emptyTitleHandling Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Value can be "keepEmpty" to preserve an empty title attribute, or "useAlt" to use the alt attribute instead. Default useAlt .. container:: table-row Property longdescURL Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Default longdescURL if no alternatives are provided by the :ref:`->IMAGE ` cObjects "longdesc" attribute (URL pointing to document with extensive details about image). .. container:: table-row Property border Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If true, a border i generated around the images. .. container:: table-row Property borderCol Data type *HTML-color* /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Color of the border, if ".border" is set Default black .. container:: table-row Property borderThick Data type :ref:`pixels ` /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Width of the border around the pictures Default 1 .. container:: table-row Property cols Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Number of columns. .. container:: table-row Property rows Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Number of rows (higher priority than "cols"). .. container:: table-row Property noRows Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If set, the rows are not divided by a table-rows. Thus images are more nicely shown if the height differs a lot (normally the width is the same!) .. container:: table-row Property noCols Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If set, the columns are not made in the table. The images are all put in one row separated by a clear gif-file to space them apart. If noRows is set, noCols will be unset. They cannot be set simultaneously. .. container:: table-row Property colSpace Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Space between columns. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property rowSpace Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Space between rows. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property spaceBelowAbove Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Pixel space between content an images when position of image is above or below text (but not in text) Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property tableStdWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` Description This passes the final code for the image block to the stdWrap function. .. container:: table-row Property maxW Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Maximum width of the image-table. This will scale images not in the right size! Takes the number of columns into account! **Note:** Works ONLY if the :ref:`IMAGE ` object is **not** :ref:`GIFBUILDER `! .. container:: table-row Property maxWInText Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Maximum width of the image-table, if the text is wrapped around the image-table (on the left or right side). This will scale images not in the right size! Takes the number of columns into account! **Note:** Works ONLY if the :ref:`IMAGE ` object is **not** :ref:`GIFBUILDER `! Default 50% of maxW .. container:: table-row Property equalH Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If this value is greater than zero, it will secure that images in a row has the same height. The width will be calculated. If the total width of the images raise above the "maxW"-value of the table the height for each image will be scaled down equally so that the images still have the same height but is within the limits of the totalWidth. Please note that this value will override the properties "width", "maxH", "maxW", "minW", "minH" of the :ref:`IMAGE ` objects generating the images. Furthermore it will override the "noRows"-property and generate a table with no columns instead! .. container:: table-row Property colRelations Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description This value defines the width-relations of the images in the columns of IMGTEXT. The syntax is "[integer] : [integer] : [integer] : ..." for each column. If there are more image columns than figures in this value, it's ignored. If the relation between two of these figures exceeds 10, this function is ignored. It works only fully if all images are downscaled by their maxW- definition. **Example:** If 6 images are placed in three columns and their width's are high enough to be forcibly scaled, this value will scale the images in the to be e.g. 100, 200 and 300 pixels from left to right:: 1 : 2 : 3 .. container:: table-row Property image\_compression Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Set to one of the following numbers to get the according kind of image compression: 0 = Default (no image compression) 1 = Do not change the image (removes all parameters except "import" and its sub-properties for the image object!) *The following numbers add gif extension and color-reduction command:* 10 = GIF/colors unchanged (up to 256 colors) 11 = GIF/128 colors 12 = GIF/64 colors 13 = GIF/32 colors 14 = GIF/16 colors 15 = GIF/8 colors *The following numbers add jpg extension and quality command:* 20 = JPG/quality 100 21 = JPG/quality 90 <=> Photoshop 60 (JPG/Very High) 22 = JPG/quality 80 (JPG/High) 23 = JPG/quality 70 24 = JPG/quality 60 <=> Photoshop 30 (JPG/Medium) 25 = JPG/quality 50 26 = JPG/quality 40 (JPG/Low) 27 = JPG/quality 30 <=> Photoshop 10 28 = JPG/quality 20 (JPG/Very Low) *The following numbers add png extension and color-reduction command:* 30 = PNG/256 colors 31 = PNG/128 colors 32 = PNG/64 colors 33 = PNG/32 colors 34 = PNG/16 colors 35 = PNG/8 colors 39 = PNG/colors unchanged (up to 256 colors) The default GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick quality seems to be 75. This equals Photoshop quality 45. Images compressed with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick with the same visual quality as a Photoshop-compressed image seem to be largely 50% greater in size! **Note:** Works ONLY if the :ref:`IMAGE ` object is **not** :ref:`GIFBUILDER `! .. container:: table-row Property image\_effects Data type integer /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Set to one of the following numbers to get the according effect. Adds the respective commands to the parameters for the scaling. This function has no effect if "image\_compression" above is set to 1! 1 = "-rotate 90", 2 = "-rotate 270", 3 = "-rotate 180", 10 = "-colorspace GRAY", 11 = "-sharpen 70", 20 = "-normalize", 23 = "-contrast", 25 = "-gamma 1.3", 26 = "-gamma 0.8" **Note:** Works ONLY if the :ref:`IMAGE ` object is **not** :ref:`GIFBUILDER `! .. container:: table-row Property image\_frames Data type Array \+ .key /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description **Frames:** .key points to the frame used. ".image\_frames.x" is imgResource-mask (".m")properties which will override to the [imgResource].m properties of the imageObjects. This is used to mask the images into a frame. See how it's done in the default configuration and IMGTEXT in the static\_template-table. **Example:** :: 1 { mask = fileadmin/darkroom1_mask.jpg bgImg = GIFBUILDER bgImg { XY = 100,100 backColor = {$bgCol} } bottomImg = GIFBUILDER bottomImg { XY = 100,100 backColor = black } bottomImg_mask = fileadmin/darkroom1_bottom.jpg } **Note:** This cancels the jpg-quality settings sent as ordinary ".params" to the imgResource. In addition the output of this operation will always be jpg or gif! **Note:** Works ONLY if the :ref:`IMAGE ` object is **not** :ref:`GIFBUILDER `! .. container:: table-row Property editIcons Data type string Description (See stdWrap.editIcons) .. container:: table-row Property noStretchAndMarginCells Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description If set (1), the cells used to add left and right margins plus stretch out the table will not be added. You will loose the ability to set margins for the object if entered "in text". So it's not recommended, but it has been requested by some people for reasons. .. container:: table-row Property stdWrap Data type :ref:`->stdWrap ` .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:(cObject).IMGTEXT] .. _cobj-imgtext-examples: Example: """""""" :: tt_content.textpic.default { 5 = IMGTEXT 5 { text < tt_content.text.default imgList.field = image textPos.field = imageorient imgPath = uploads/pics/ imgObjNum = 1 1 { file.import.current = 1 file.width.field = imagewidth imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { bodyTag = wrap = | width = 800m height = 600m JSwindow = 1 JSwindow.newWindow = 1 JSwindow.expand = 17,20 } } maxW = 450 maxWInText = 300 cols.field = imagecols border.field = imageborder caption { 1 = TEXT 1.stdWrap.field = imagecaption 1.stdWrap.wrap =


1.stdWrap.wrap2 = {$cBodyTextWrap} } borderThick = 2 colSpace = 10 rowSpace = 10 textMargin = 10 } 30 = TEXT 30.value =