.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _filelink: filelink ^^^^^^^^ Creates a list of file links. Input is a filename in the path "path". icon, size and file are rendered in the listed order. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property path Data type path /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description **Example:** :: path = "uploads/media/" .. container:: table-row Property icon Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Set, if an icon should be shown. The filename of the icon used is the one of the filetype of the file given in "path" (see above) plus extension (by default gif). E.g. for CSS files the icon file "css.gif" will be used by default. If for a certain filetype no icon file is found in icon.path, the file "default" plus extension (e.g. "default.gif") will be used. Since TYPO3 4.7 the following sub-properties are available: **path:** Path to the icon set (default: typo3/gfx/fileicons/) **ext:** File extension of icons (default: gif) **widthAttribute:** Width of the icons in pixels (default: 18) **heightAttribute:** Height of the icons in pixels (default: 16) These sub-properties all have stdWrap available. .. container:: table-row Property icon\_image\_ext\_list Data type *list of image extensions* /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description This is a comma-separated list of those file extensions that should render as thumbnails instead of icons. .. container:: table-row Property icon\_thumbSize Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Defines the size of the thumbnail in pixels. "icon" needs to be set for the option to take effect and the file extension of the image file must be part of "icon\_image\_ext\_list". You can set one or two values, see the examples. If you set two values, the first value will define the maximum width and the second one the maximum height. The aspect ratio of the original image will be preserved. **Examples:** :: icon_thumbSize = 150 icon_thumbSize = 40x40 .. container:: table-row Property iconCObject Data type cObject Description Enter a cObject to use alternatively for the icons, e.g. IMAGE type. If this is set, it will substitute the use of the thumbs-script for display of thumbnails. .. container:: table-row Property icon\_link Data type boolean Description Set if the icon should be linked as well. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property labelStdWrap Data type ->stdWrap Description stdWrap options for the label (by default the label is the filename) before being wrapped with the A-tags. Use this to e.g. import another label from a database field or such. .. container:: table-row Property wrap Data type wrap /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Wraps the links. .. container:: table-row Property ATagBeforeWrap Data type boolean Description If set, the link is first wrapped with "*.wrap*" and then the -tag. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property file Data type ->stdWrap Description stdWrap of the label (by default the label is the filename) after having been wrapped with A-tag! .. container:: table-row Property size Data type boolean /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Set if size should be shown .. container:: table-row Property jumpurl Data type boolean Description Decides if the link should call the script with the jumpurl parameter in order to be able to register any clicks in statistics. This has the advantage that any clicks on the file can be registered in statistics. The disadvantage is, that users cannot right-click and select "Save Target As" in the browser. **Extra properties:** **.secure:** Boolean. If set, then the file pointed to by jumpurl is **not** redirected to, but rather it's read from the file and returned with a correct header. This option adds a hash and locationData to the URL and there MUST be access to the record in order to download the file. If the file position on the server is furthermore secured by a .htaccess file preventing ANY access, you've got secure download here! **.secure.mimeTypes:** List of MIME types. Syntax: [ext] = [MIME type] **.parameter:** String /:ref:`stdWrap `. By default the jumpurl link will use the current pid and typeNum. If you need alternative values (e.g. for logging) you can specify them here. For options see typolink.parameter. **Example:** :: jumpurl.secure = 1 jumpurl.secure.mimeTypes = pdf=application/pdf, doc=application/msword .. container:: table-row Property target Data type target /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Target for the -tag. .. container:: table-row Property stdWrap Data type ->stdWrap .. container:: table-row Property ATagParams Data type -params /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Additional parameters **Example:** class="board" .. container:: table-row Property removePrependedNumbers Data type boolean Description If set, any 2-digit *appended(!)* numbers in the filename are removed. E.g. "filename\_23.gif" then becomes "filename.gif". .. container:: table-row Property altText titleText Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description For icons (image made with "iconCObject" must have their own properties) If no alttext is specified, it will use an empty alttext .. container:: table-row Property emptyTitleHandling Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description Value can be "keepEmpty" to preserve an empty title attribute, or "useAlt" to use the alt attribute instead. Default useAlt .. container:: table-row Property longdescURL Data type string /:ref:`stdWrap ` Description For icons (image made with "iconCObject" must have their own properties) "longdesc" attribute (URL pointing to document with extensive details about image). .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:->filelink] .. _filelink-examples: Example: """""""" :: 1.filelink { path = uploads/media/ icon = 1 icon.wrap = | size = 1 size.wrap = | file.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap} file.wrap = | jumpurl = 1 target = _blank stdWrap = | }